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The idea that life forms can spring from inorganic matter is known as spontaneous generation. Aristotle was the chief Western proponent of this belief which was difficult to dislodge because most people had great difficulty in understanding how tiny insects, for instance, could appear as if from nothing.

As a matter of fact, Pasteur did not entirely succeed in providing the required proof; however, he did lead the way. By boiling the beef broth in the flask he left the broth unchanged but extinguished the microbial life in it-or at least most of it. Doubters were pushed to the conclusion that there could be no such thing as spontaneous generation, that there must have been something in the broth that boiling had destroyed. The broth did not go bad.

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3mo ago

Louis Pasteur's experiments demonstrated that living organisms do not spontaneously arise from nonliving matter. By conducting experiments with swan-necked flasks that prevented dust and microbes from entering the flask while allowing air to pass, Pasteur showed that microorganisms in the air were responsible for contamination and growth, not spontaneous generation. This contributed to the refutation of the theory of spontaneous generation and supported the idea of biogenesis, where living organisms arise from preexisting living organisms.

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