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Fick's First Law of Diffusion deals with diffusive flux. The law postulates that flux goes from high to low areas of concentration with a magnitude that is proportionate to its spatial derivative.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Fick's First Law of Diffusion states that the rate of diffusion of a substance across a membrane is directly proportional to the concentration gradient of the substance and the surface area of the membrane, and inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane. This law describes how molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration to achieve equilibrium.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Fick's first law is:

J = -D dΦ/dx

(note: I used "d" here instead of the partial differential sign because I couldn't find that in the available fonts)


  • J is the "diffusion flux" [(amount of substance) per unit area per unit time], example [mol/(m2s)]. Jmeasures the amount of substance that will flow through a small area during a small time interval.
  • D is the diffusion coefficient or diffusivity in dimensions of [length2/time], example (m2/s).
  • Φ (for ideal mixtures) is the concentration in dimensions of [amount of substance per unit volume], example (mol/m3)
  • x is the position [length], example m (meters)

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        βˆ™ 15y ago

        J = -DA (Delta)c/(Delta)x


        J=Net rate of diffusion (gms or mols/unit time)

        D = diffision coefficient for the diffusing solute

        A = area of the membrane

        (Delta) c = concentration difference accross the membrane

        (Delta) x = thickness of the membrane

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        What is Fick's law?

        Ficks laws (note that there are two of them) are:Most people are concerned with Fick's first law which relates the diffusive flux to the concentration under the assumption of steady state:R=D X A Dp / dR=the rate of diffusionD=diffusion coefficient, which is a characteristic of the medium and varies exponentially with temperatureA=the surface areaand dC/dx Is the concentration gradient over the diffusion distanceFick's first law suggests that the rate of diffusion in a given direction across and exchange surface:1. is directly proportional to the concentration gradient- the steeper the concentration gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion2. is directly proportional to the surface area- the greater the surface area of a membrane through which diffusion is taking place, the faster the rate of diffusion this is one of the factors which limits cellsize.3. is inversely proportional to the distance- the rate of diffusion decreases rapidly with distance. diffusion is thus effective only over short distances. this limits cell size.Fick's second law predicts how diffusion causes the concentration to change with time. It is a partial differential equation which, within the character limitations of Wikianswers, the second law is:δφ/δt = ▼·(D▼φ)whereδ is being used as the symbol for partial differentialφ is the concentration in dimensions of [(amount of substance) length−3]t is time· is the "dot product"▼ is the del or gradient operatorD is is the diffusion coefficient in dimensions of [length2 time−1]Note that when φ is at steady state, this equation reduces to Fick's first law.

        How does newtons first law explain keplors first law?

        Newton's first and third laws of motion don't contribute anything to an understandingof Kepler's laws of planetary motion.Kepler's laws can be derived from Newton's law of universal gravitation, along with hissecond law of motion.

        Why water potential always negative in uptake of water in plant?

        To follow the Law of diffusion.

        explain how newton’s first law can be derived from newton’s second law?

        Force = mass x acceleration; acceleration = force / mass. If force is zero, then obviously, acceleration will also be zero.

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        What is Fick's law?

        Ficks laws (note that there are two of them) are:Most people are concerned with Fick's first law which relates the diffusive flux to the concentration under the assumption of steady state:R=D X A Dp / dR=the rate of diffusionD=diffusion coefficient, which is a characteristic of the medium and varies exponentially with temperatureA=the surface areaand dC/dx Is the concentration gradient over the diffusion distanceFick's first law suggests that the rate of diffusion in a given direction across and exchange surface:1. is directly proportional to the concentration gradient- the steeper the concentration gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion2. is directly proportional to the surface area- the greater the surface area of a membrane through which diffusion is taking place, the faster the rate of diffusion this is one of the factors which limits cellsize.3. is inversely proportional to the distance- the rate of diffusion decreases rapidly with distance. diffusion is thus effective only over short distances. this limits cell size.Fick's second law predicts how diffusion causes the concentration to change with time. It is a partial differential equation which, within the character limitations of Wikianswers, the second law is:δφ/δt = ▼·(D▼φ)whereδ is being used as the symbol for partial differentialφ is the concentration in dimensions of [(amount of substance) length−3]t is time· is the "dot product"▼ is the del or gradient operatorD is is the diffusion coefficient in dimensions of [length2 time−1]Note that when φ is at steady state, this equation reduces to Fick's first law.

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        The second law of thermodynamics states that systems tend towards increasing entropy and disorder. In the context of diffusion across a membrane, molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration, increasing the overall entropy of the system. This process increases the randomness and disorder, thus following the principles of the second law.

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        The first law of thermodynamics can be used to explain the operation of a battery. The law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This can be used to explain how the energy of a battery is converted from chemical to electrical energy.

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        Newton's first and third laws of motion don't contribute anything to an understandingof Kepler's laws of planetary motion.Kepler's laws can be derived from Newton's law of universal gravitation, along with hissecond law of motion.