

Example of control group

Updated: 5/22/2024
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13y ago

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The control group is the one that is not manipulated in any way. Suppose we are testing the effect of studying on test scores. The group that did not study would be the control group. The group that did study would be the experimental group.

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1mo ago

A control group is a group in an experiment that does not receive the treatment or intervention being tested. It is used as a baseline for comparison to assess the effects of the intervention. For example, in a drug trial, the control group would receive a placebo instead of the actual drug being tested.

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9y ago

Every experiment should have at least one control group. For example if the experiment is what fertilizer is best for plants then the control groups would be the type and amount of water, the soil, and the amount of fertilizer.

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15y ago

To have control of yourself,someone else, or something else.

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What is an example of a control group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What is an example of a group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What is a example of a group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What is a control in a scientific experiment?

A control refers to the "control group" in a scientific experiment. The control group is compared to the experimental group. For example, pretend you are experimenting to see if a drug works. Group A (The experimental group) is given the real drug, and Group B (The control group) is given a fake drug (placebo) to compare results.

What is an example of an control groups?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.Read more: What_is_an_example_of_a_control_group

What does control means in a scientific method?

Usually, there are two groups, a control group and an experimental group. For example, if you were showing how plants grow with fertilizer versus manure, the control group would be the fertilizer or the manure, depending on which you usually use. The experimental group would be the new substance, because you are experimenting on that. The control is what you give to the control group, if I am not mistaken. It is what you are not changing.

What does control mean in the meaning of science?

When doing experiments you have to have a control group and an experimental group. The control group is not given a drug (for example), while the experimental group is. This will show (later on) if the drug had a real effect. Sometimes the control group will be given what is called a placebo. This looks just like the drug that the experimental group is given, except it has nothing in it.

How can you control an expierment?

you have to have what is called a control group. This group consists of the test subjects that are notreceiving the test variable. For example: If i was trying to prove that 30 mins of exercise a day made for happier people, my control group would be the people that are not doing the 30 mins of exercise.

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Why should expieriments have a control group?

The control group in an experiment is the group that nothing is done to. The reason why there is a control group in experiments is to compare it with the group that has been tested.

What is expected in an experiemental group?

When conducting certain science experiments, the goal is to verify a cause and effect relationship. For example, if I hypothesize (guess) that flies are already within meat when it rots, I can test this through experiment. I will set one group, the control group to be the meat on a plate. This control group is one where I can anticipate the result, i.e. that flies will appear on the meat when it rots. The experimental group is one where I make a change to the control group. I could put one piece of meat just on a table, without the plate, or put one in a sealed jar for example. After enough time has passed and the control group meat has rotted, I can compare this with the experimental groups to try to understand why some things changed and others didn't.Basically, change is expected in the experimental group, that sets it apart from the control group.