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The Virgo Super Cluster

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The Milky Way galaxy is part of the Local Group, which is a collection of several galaxies. The Local Group, in turn, is a part of the larger Virgo Supercluster.

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Q: Earth's galaxy is milky way which is part of a galaxy cluster named what?
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In what galaxy does the earth belong?

the milky way galaxy

Why the milky way galaxy named milky way?

because in this galaxy there are a lot of cows lol

Does the milky way candy bar have anything to do with the name of the milky way galaxy?

Yes, the Milky Way candy bar was named after the Milky Way galaxy due to its smooth and creamy texture, reminiscent of the galactic swirls of our galaxy.

What is the galaxy name?

The galaxy containing Earth is named the Milky Way.

What is your galaxy classified as?

Our galaxy is spiral one also named as Milky way Galaxy.

What is milky way best described as?

It is the SOLAR SYSTEM where the Earth is part of it( A Solar System Consists of Planets, Moon, Stars like SUN, Asteroids, Meteors, Comets and sometimes Black Hole).Above the surface of the Milky Way, Millions and Billions of Cluster of Stars are Scattered around it. A Cluster of Stars are made up of Looking-Young Stars but, They are actually old since the Milky Way was formed around 12 Billion Yrs. old.

What planets and moons are in the Milky galaxy?

All of the ones we know about and have named are in our Galaxy.

What is the milky way galaxy named after?

ancient greeks

Why is your Solar System named Milky Way?

It isn't. Out galaxy is called the Milky Way. This name refers to the spiral arm of the galaxy that is visible across the sky at night as a milky band.

What are space related candy names?

It is The Milky Way because it is named after the Milky Way Galaxy. Hope this helps!

Where did mango come from?

A planet named "Earth" from the Milky Way Galaxy

Who named your galaxy the Milky Way galaxy?

The Ancient Greeks, who thought it looked like milk in the sky.