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Q: During vigorous exercise there may be insufficient oxygen available to completely break down pyruvic acid for energy. As a result the pyruvic acid is converted to .?
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Why is excess pyruvic acid produced during prolonged strenuous exercise?

Excess pyruvic acid is produced during prolonged strenuous exercise because the body relies more heavily on anaerobic respiration due to the insufficient supply of oxygen to meet energy demands. This causes an accumulation of pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, which is then converted to lactic acid in order to regenerate NAD+ for continued ATP production.

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Are there exercise dvds available using the stairmaster?

There are no exercise videos available using the stairmaster because there is no need for them. The stairmaster restricts movements to one repetitive movement.

What kind of mobile apps are available for exercise?

Do you mean physical exercise or mental? If physical then Nike+, Runkeeper, Fleetly, or Gym Hero are all available apps. If mental exercise is meant then AnQ, Lumina, or Speedbrains are viable options.

When low oxygen levels occur during exercise glucose is converted into what stable end products?


Most of the lactic acid remaining after exercise is?

Most of the lactic acid remaining after exercise is converted back into glucose by the liver through a process called gluconeogenesis. This glucose can then be used as energy by the body or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver for future use.

What produces ketone bodies?

Ketone bodies are produced in the liver when there is insufficient glucose available for energy production. This can happen during fasting, prolonged exercise, low-carbohydrate diets (such as ketogenic diets), or in untreated diabetes mellitus. The process is known as ketogenesis.

Which molecule is produced during exercise resulting in oxygen debt?

Lactic acid is the molecule produced during intense exercise when there is insufficient oxygen to meet energy demands. This leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, causing fatigue and contributing to the oxygen debt that needs to be repaid post-exercise.

What type of exercise machine can I find on the market?

There is a wide selection of home use exercise equipment that is available these days. This includes exercise bikes, treadmills, steppers, rowing machines and more. Many weight machines and free weights are also available.

When low oxygen levels occur during exercise and glucose is converted into what stable end products?

pyruvic acid

Are there exercise games available for PlayStation 3?

Currently there are no exercise games available on the Playstation 3 platform. However, developer EA has plans to develope one similar to there Active game for the Wii.

How does exercise lower blood sugars?

Exercise requires and uses up energy. The sugar/carbohydrates in your body/blood is converted to energy for this. This removes blood sugar from your system lowering blood sugar.