

During the action potential

Updated: 5/29/2024
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13y ago

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During the action potential, there is a depolarization phase where the cell membrane potential becomes less negative, followed by repolarization where it returns to its resting state. This involves the influx of sodium ions and efflux of potassium ions through voltage-gated channels. The action potential is a brief electrical signal that travels along the membrane of a neuron or muscle cell.

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What happens in the neurolemma as the result of an action potential?

It provides insulation to the axons and dendrites during depolarization or action potential.

What is the interval called during which a neuron is dormant after an action potential has been completed?

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Is the Nernst potential of Sodium achieved during the action potential?

Yes, the Nernst potential for sodium is reached during the rising phase of the action potential when sodium channels open, causing a rapid influx of sodium ions into the cell. This depolarizes the membrane potential towards the equilibrium potential for sodium.

Which is the first step in a neuron production of an action potential?

Depolarization is the first event in action potential. During depolarization, the sodium gates open and the membrane depolarizes.

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What two molecules are necessary for the action potential?

Sodium and potassium ions are the two molecules necessary for the action potential in neurons. Sodium ions flow into the cell during depolarization, while potassium ions flow out of the cell during repolarization. This ion movement across the cell membrane is essential for the generation and propagation of the action potential.

Define the period of repolarization when only a strong stimulus will elicit an action potential?

The period of relative refractory period is the time after an action potential during which a strong stimulus is required to generate a new action potential. This is because the membrane potential is hyperpolarized, making it more difficult to reach the threshold for firing another action potential.

Why is an action potential is self-regenerating?

An action potential is self-regenerating due to the depolarization phase, where sodium channels open in response to membrane depolarization, leading to an influx of sodium ions that further depolarizes the membrane and triggers adjacent sodium channels to open. This positive feedback loop allows the action potential to propagate along the axon without losing strength.

Why is an action potential self-regenerating?

The Na+ diffusing into the axon during the first phase of the action potential creates a depolarizing current that brings the next segment, or node, of the axon to threshold.

What ions enter the muscle cell during action potential generation?

sodium and potassium

The ions that enter the muscle cell during action potential generation are?

Sodium ions (Na+) enter the muscle cell during the depolarization phase of an action potential, causing the cell membrane to become more positively charged. This influx of sodium ions is responsible for the rapid rise in membrane potential.