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Q: During strenuous activity lack of which substance limits ATP available for muscle contraction?
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Why do athletes eat bananas before a strenuous activity?

Athletes eat bananas before strenuous activity because they are a good source of carbohydrates for energy, potassium to prevent muscle cramps, and easily digestible for quick absorption. This fruit can help fuel their performance and support muscle function during exercise.

How does optical activity depend on state of substance?

Optical activity in a substance depends on its symmetry and chirality. Chiral molecules exhibit optical activity, where they rotate the plane of polarized light. The state of the substance, such as solid, liquid, or gas, does not significantly affect its optical activity as long as the molecular structure and chirality remain the same.

What outdoor temperature and humidity level are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity?

Outdoor temperature above 90°F (32°C) and humidity levels above 70% are designated as the upper limits of safety for strenuous physical activity. These conditions can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and avoid activity during the hottest part of the day in such conditions.

What does cellular activity do during the phase of concentric contraction?

During concentric contraction, cellular activity includes the shortening of muscle fibers, which generates force to move a load or overcome resistance. This process is fueled by the consumption of ATP and involves the sliding of actin and myosin filaments within the muscle fibers.

Predict what will happen to the state of the substance the atomi and molicular activity?

As the substance undergoes an increase in temperature, its atomic and molecular activity will also increase. This will result in the particles moving faster and having more energy, potentially leading to a change in state if the substance reaches its melting or boiling point.

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What substance is produced anaerobically during strenuous activity?

Alcohol (and CO2), or Lactic Acid

How this relate to the burn felt during strenuous activity?

Burning felt (a type of fabric) has nothing to do with strenuous activity.

Why do your calf muscles hurt after a 240v shock?

in simple, strenuous activity on a muscle like excersizing or an extreme contraction due to an electric shock tears the muslce, the pain you feel is the healing process.

Explain the effects of strenuous muscular activity on breathing rate?

Strenuous muscular activity is basically a fancy way to say exercise. As muscles are worked harder, they demand more oxygen, so your breathing rate increases with strenuous muscular activity.

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What is an Activity that combines muscle contraction with repeated movement?

An activity that combines muscle contraction with repeated movement is Isotonic execrise

What does it mean when your fingers hurt?

Could be growing pains or you did some strenuous activity with them.

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What do muscle cells run low on during periods of strenuous activity?

It`s Oxygen

What is a par q?

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is designed for self-screening by anyone who is planning to start an exercise program of moderate to strenuous activity.

What is water activity?

Water activity is a measure of the amount of water available for biological reactions and microbial growth in a substance. It is calculated as the ratio of water vapor pressure in the substance to the vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature. A lower water activity value indicates less available water for microbial growth.