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Q: During its lifetime a redwood becomes larger and more complex it could be alive because it displays which sign of life?
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What scientists use to study cells?

Traditionally, a microscope.But if you consider a more complex application of the sciences, such as Biochemistry or Cellular Genetics, then the answer to this question becomes far too complex.

Why does it takes so long to finish Software?

Programming computers is an inherantly complex process which becomes more complex as the project gets larger and more people are involved.

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because lone pairs of electrons are donated by oxygen and sulphur to aluminium.only then it becomes possible and other complexes are formed by ligand substitution method.

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The ratio of neutrons to protons in stable nuclei generally increases as the atomic number increases from 1 to 82. This is because as the nucleus becomes larger and more complex, it needs more neutrons to provide the necessary binding energy to hold the protons together due to the repulsive force between protons. This helps to maintain nuclear stability.

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