No. Neptune is a gas giant with probably a rocky core. It would be surprising if there was any water there, other than water vapor (a gas).
Neptune is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen, helium, and other gases, so it does not have a solid surface or flowing water like Earth. The atmosphere of Neptune consists of primarily hydrogen, helium, and methane gases, and there may be water in the form of ice present in its interior.
There is some water ice suspended in Neptune's atmosphere.
yes, the planet Neptune includes water in all the gases on the planet, like methane, ammonia, helium and hydrogen.
Neptune is a gas giant composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water vapor in its atmosphere. However, it does not have a solid surface where liquid water could exist.
well if ders water in Earf, it cud be on de planet Neptune!
Neptune is a gas giant with no solid surface, so it is not possible for liquid water to exist on its surface. However, water is present in the form of ice in its atmosphere and core.
No, its to cold
NEPTUNE HAS WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes there is water on neptune
There is some water ice suspended in Neptune's atmosphere.
No. Neptune has water in it's lower layers in the mantle
No, (and Neptune does not have water because of the intense cold, water turns into ice)
yes, the planet Neptune includes water in all the gases on the planet, like methane, ammonia, helium and hydrogen.
Neptune is a gas giant composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water vapor in its atmosphere. However, it does not have a solid surface where liquid water could exist.
Neptune is the god of water and sea.
well if ders water in Earf, it cud be on de planet Neptune!
Neptune is a gas giant with no solid surface, so it is not possible for liquid water to exist on its surface. However, water is present in the form of ice in its atmosphere and core.