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No. While volcanic ash can have a basaltic composition, it usually does not. Basalt forms from lava. Volcanic ash forms tuff.

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Q: Does volcanic ash create basalt
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What is a palagonite?

A palagonite is a material similar to basalt formed by the action of water on volcanic ash.

How is solidified volcanic ash called?

Solidified volcanic ash is called tephra or volcanic rock.

Which of these is not a form of volcanic material?

Basalt is not a form of volcanic material; it is a type of rock that is formed from solidified lava. Volcanic materials typically include lava, ash, and tephra, which are all products of volcanic eruptions.

Why is basalt heavier than?

pumice is volcanic ash and it is vesicular. meaning that it has lots of air bubbles in it making it even lighter. basalt is hardened lava. it was exposed and cooled rapidly.

What is the effect of volcanic ash?

it is so hot it can create fossils

Can volcanic ash create create landslides?

It can, assuming that enough builds up on a steep enough slope.

Most common volcanic rock?

Basalt is the most common volcanic rock. It is a dark-colored, fine-grained volcanic rock that is found in many volcanic settings around the world. Basalt forms from the rapid cooling of magma on the Earth's surface.

What are the materials in volcano?

volcano spews lava,volcanic gases(carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, hydro gas and methane), volcanic stones(basalt, granite),sulfur, vapor, volcanic ash and Sedimentary Rock.

What is volcanic ash good for?

Volcanic ash is good for agriculture as it contains important nutrients like potassium and phosphorus which can improve soil fertility. It is also used in cosmetics and skincare products for its exfoliating and purifying properties. Additionally, volcanic ash can be used in construction materials like concrete and ceramics due to its durability and strength.

What is the definition of layer of ash and lava?

A layer of ash and lava is a geologic feature formed by the deposition of volcanic ash and solidified lava during volcanic eruptions. These layers can build up over time to create thick sequences of volcanic material, which can be preserved in the rock record as distinct stratigraphic units.

Where is basalt located?

Basalt is a volcanic rock that can be found in many places around the world, including areas with recent or ancient volcanic activity. It is commonly found in oceanic crust, on volcanic islands, and in regions with volcanic activity such as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

What is tephor?

Tephor is a type of volcanic ash. Tephor is a type of volcanic ash.