i am a scientist. variation dose take place when a solid is turned to a gas.
An example of a change that requires heat to take place is melting. When a solid substance is heated, the heat energy causes the particles to move faster and overcome their attractions, resulting in the solid turning into a liquid.
Fusion refers to the phase change from liquid to solid (or vv) and vaporization refers to the phase change from liquid to gas (or vv). Heat is either absorbed or released from the substance when these events occur. We use the molar enthalpies to calculat exactly how much heat is transferred during these processes. Ex .. If we are to boil (vaporize) 3 moles of some substance with a known molar enthalpy of vaporization of 120 KJ/mole then we multiply. 3 moles x 120 KJ/mole = 360 KJ of energy is needed for the vaporization to take place.
the process must take place underground~ apex
Take a walk outside. Then you will be walking on the Earth's solid surface.
It is not possible to electrolyze a solid substance because in order for electrolysis to occur, the substance needs to be dissolved in a liquid or molten form to allow for the movement of ions. Solids do not allow for this movement of ions required for electrolysis to take place.
Metamorphism can take place in a solid state. The metamorphism can take place with or without any types of fluid activity, although, the majority is done with fluid activity.
Conduction takes place in liquids and gaz's
Yes, it turns to a solid and denaturation takes place.
The reactants are changed in products having new chemical composition.
Russia during the 1960s
compacting and cementing
An example of a change that requires heat to take place is melting. When a solid substance is heated, the heat energy causes the particles to move faster and overcome their attractions, resulting in the solid turning into a liquid.
No, rock is a stable solid whose shape can only be changed by cutting, eroding, or grinding.
Loose sand doesn't hurt as much as solid ground when you fall.
The US might not have entered into WW2.
Provided one does not place the solid in extreme gravity fields, yes.
It exposes more of the solid to whatever you want to mix it with so that whatever you are doing, whether it be a physical or chemical change, will take place more rapidly.