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Q: Does the temperature decrease or increase in Stratophere?
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How does temperature affect the volume of substance?

An increase in temperature will cause an increase in volume, while a decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in volume.

As you get higher in the atmosphere does the temperature increase or decrease?

As you go higher in the atmosphere, the temperature generally decreases. This is because the atmosphere becomes less dense and there are fewer molecules to retain heat.

Does the temperature increase or decrease with altitude in the tropospere?


Can people increase or decrease a planet temperature?

They can do both, but it is up to them to decrease usage of fuels in order to increase planet temperature.

Does temperature increase or decrease with altitude in the mesosphere?

Temperature decreases with altitude in the mesosphere due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure with height. This is because the mesosphere is above the stratosphere where the ozone layer absorbs incoming solar radiation, leading to a decrease in temperature as altitude increases.

What can increase but also decrease?

the temperature.

Will increase the volume of the gas?

An increase of the temperature or a decrease of the pressure.

What property will decrease with increase in temperature?


Does decrease mean cold or hot?

A decrease typically refers to a reduction or lowering of something, such as temperature. So, a decrease could be associated with cooler or colder conditions.

Does the temperature increase or decrease with altitiude in the troposphere?

The temperature decreases with altitude.

How does the speed of atoms in a substance related to its temperature?

The speed of atoms in a substance is directly related to its temperature through the kinetic theory of matter. As temperature increases, the atoms gain kinetic energy and move faster. Conversely, as temperature decreases, the atoms slow down.