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The pull of Gravity is instant - just there , no medium can influence it - to destroy it you have to distribute the mass , it takes time to get the masses together and takes time to take them away ! Gravity is not dependant on time ! Do some calcs yourselves on the supposed max. light speed of gravity and the effects on the alignment of the barycentres of binary masses (stars) !

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Q: Does the speed of gravity slow down through a solid medium as light does?
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What is the only kind of wave that does not need a solid liquid or gas medium to pass through?

The only kind of wave that does not require a medium to pass through is an electromagnetic wave. These waves can travel through empty space and do not need a material medium for propagation. Examples of electromagnetic waves include light waves, radio waves, and X-rays.

Can a wave move through a substance called a medium?

When a wave passes through a substance, it gets transmitted through it. The speed of the wave changes depending on the nature of the substance.

Where is the speed of light greater than the speed of light in water?

The speed of light is greater in a vacuum compared to in water. In a vacuum, light travels at its maximum speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, while in water it slows down to about 225,000 kilometers per second.

Does radiation move faster through a gas than a solid or liquid?

Radiation moves at the speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 299,792 kilometers per second). In a solid or liquid medium, the speed of radiation is slightly slower due to interactions with the medium's atoms or molecules. In a gas, radiation can travel faster compared to a solid or liquid but still slower than in a vacuum due to lower interaction with gas particles.

Can s and p waves go through the same medium?

Yes, both S (shear) and P (primary) waves can travel through the same medium, such as solid, liquid, or gas. P-waves are faster and can travel through all types of mediums, while S-waves are slower and can only travel through solid materials.

Related questions

Does light travel faster through liquid or solid?

Light travels faster through liquid than through solid. The speed of light in a medium is determined by the refractive index of the material, which is lower in liquid compared to solid materials.

Which medium would a light wave not be able to pass through?

A light wave would not be able to pass through a opaque medium, such as a solid wall or a thick sheet of metal, that does not allow any light to pass through.

What passes through a medium?

Waves, such as sound or light, can pass through a medium. The medium can be solid, liquid, or gas, and the particles in the medium vibrate or oscillate as the wave passes through. Energy and information can also pass through a medium in the form of waves.

What can waves travel through?

Sound waves need a medium to travel through - the medium may be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Electromagnetic waves (including light) can also travel through empty space.

What is speed of sound through a solid medium?

It depends on the medium.

What waves do travel in a medium?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves and seismic waves, travel through a medium by transferring energy from one point to another through oscillations of particles in the medium. These waves require a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) to propagate and cannot travel through a vacuum.

What is gravity filtration?

Gravity filtration is a method of filtering a liquid mixture using gravity to pull the liquid through a filter medium, such as filter paper or sand. The force of gravity causes the liquid to flow through the filter, leaving behind solid particles or impurities that are trapped on the filter medium. It is a simple and commonly used technique in chemistry and laboratory settings to separate solids from liquids.

Where is the speed of light greater than the speed of light in water?

The speed of light is greater in a vacuum compared to in water. In a vacuum, light travels at its maximum speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, while in water it slows down to about 225,000 kilometers per second.

What is light and sound made of?

Light is made of particles called photons. Sound is made of pressure waves that travel through a medium such as air, water, or a solid material.

What travels through a vacuum?

Light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a medium to propagate. Sound waves, on the other hand, require a medium such as air, water, or a solid to travel through, so they cannot propagate through a vacuum.

What is a wave that can travel through anything?

Electromagnetic waves, such as light, can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a medium to propagate. They can travel through air, water, and even solid materials.

What medium does sound travel through the best?
