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The Earth rotates once every twenty four hours. So the Moon appears to be in the approximately same position 24 hours later.

However, the Moon has revolved approximately a 29th of its orbit, and so will have shifted in the sky from its previous position by about a 29th (29 days from New Moon to next New Moon), of its orbit. So at the same time each day it will have moved a distance. Also in this time its appearance (phase change) will also have altered. So from NEW Moon to 1st quarter, its appearance will change from a narrow crescent to to a slightly thicker crescent.

NB The Moon revolves (orbits) the Earth once every 29 days. Complexing to this is the Moon rotates on its own axis once in every 28 or 29 days, so we only see one side of the Moon.

NNB Note the use of the words 'Revolve' and 'Rotate'.

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Lets do some math:

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 384,399 kilometers. A good approximation is that the orbit of the moon is circular, therefore the orbit is 2*Pi*r.

2*Pi*384,399=2,415,250 km.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A rough calculation:

Mean radius = 238,000 miles

Circumference = 2 pi R = 476,000 pi = 1.495 million miles .

Verrrry interesting !

If you could straighten out the moon's whole orbit around the earth, it would span only about 1.6 percent of the distance to the sun !

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It takes the moon about 28 days to orbit the earth. Thus dividing 360 degrees (the entire circumference of the sky) by 28 yields 13 degrees--approximately the distance the moon lags behind each night on its monthly trek across the sky.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The Moon orbitsEarth in the prograde direction and completes one revolution relative to the stars in approximately 27.322 days (a sidereal month).

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I can surely say that the moon travels 28201.1239822 miles in one day (24 hours). here is what I did:

I found the diameter of the moon-around-the-earth orbit. It was 242,863.168 miles. Then the circumference, 761,430.34752. Then divided that by the number of days it takes to orbit; 27. By the way, I'm 12.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

None. Actually, in 24 hours the Moon makes 0.0366 revolutions around Earth. This is because it takes 27.3 days for one revolution. This is why it takes the most part of a month for the moon to go through it's phases rather than couse of one night.

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βˆ™ 9mo ago

No, the moon takes about 27.3 days to orbit around the Earth, not 24 hours.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Its distance from the Earth is 384,403 kilometers,

Its diameter is 3474 kilometers

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The moon that's closely associated with the earth rotates about 0.0366 of one rotation (rounded)

in 24 hours. It takes 27.32 days to complete one whole rotation.

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