yes it have to do something about day and night . The moon give us the moonlight.
A day on Jupiter's moon Io lasts about 42.5 hours, and it experiences constant daylight due to its proximity to Jupiter, which causes the moon to be tidally locked. As a result, Io does not have distinct day and night cycles like we have on Earth.
The temperature on the Moon can vary significantly, reaching about 260°F (127°C) during the day when exposed to the Sun and dropping to around -280°F (-173°C) at night due to the lack of atmosphere to retain heat.
Lighter than day darker than night is an idiom that is usually used to describe the moon.
The moon orbits the earth, therefore it will always be in a different spot each day or night so will rise later each day by 48 minutes. This also affects what time the moon will set and when it will reach it's highest point in the sky.
The moon lacks an atmosphere to retain heat, so it cannot trap heat received during the day. This causes temperatures to drop rapidly at night when the sun is no longer shining, leading to the extreme temperature swings between day and night.
The moon has day and because the moon rotates
both you can see it day or night
You can see the moon in the day if it's in a specific phase and position in relation to the sun. During a full moon, it's visible both day and night. When the moon is a crescent or in a different phase, it may not be visible at night due to its position relative to the Earth and the sun.
day+night day=sun+sky night=moon+sky moon=cheese+sky
The Earth spinning every 24 hours causes day and night. The Moon has nothing to do with causing day or night. In fact, the moon spends just as much time in the daytime sky every month as it does in the night-time sky.
it is all GOD'S MIRACLE
The rotaion and movent of the earth and he moon
The moon is visible during the day but it is most visible at night and early morning, but it is somtimes visible throughout the day.
Night, darkness and anything of that sort