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A slightly garbled question, but is the unit of weight due to gravity the newton, yes.

Weight is the force exerted on a body by gravity, the unit for all forces is the newton. Mass is measured in kilograms, mass is a body's resistance to acceleration. In everyday usage mass and weight are virtually interchangable, since the acceleration mass resists is that due to gravity.

So weight is measured in newtons, but kilograms are used as a measure of weight on everyday language.

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2mo ago

No, the metric unit used to describe weight as a measure of the force of gravity is the Newton (N). The Newton is a unit of force in the metric system, while weight is a force caused by the gravitational attraction between objects. Weight is commonly measured in Newtons in physics.

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Q: Does the metric unit is used to describe weight at as a measure of the force of gravity is called a Newton?
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Is the metric unit that is used to describe weight as a mesure of the force of gravity is called a Newton?

The unit of force in the SI (metric) system is the Newton. It's used to describe any force, no matter where the force came from. "Weight" is a good example of a gravitational force.

What is the force of gravity on a an object known as?

This question is simple . The force of gravity or attraction for an object is called weight . The weight differs from one place to another . The SI (international system ) unit of weight is called the Newton (N) . To measure the weight of an object , we use a dynamometer .

Who invent gravity?

Gravity was not invented by any person; it is a natural force that exists in the universe. Sir Isaac Newton is famous for developing the laws of universal gravitation, which describe how objects with mass attract each other.

Why is newton credited with developing the law of gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton is credited with developing the law of gravitation, also known as Newton's law of universal gravitation, because he was the first to mathematically formulate and describe the force of gravity as a universal force of attraction between objects with mass. Through his work, he provided a fundamental explanation for the motion of celestial bodies and laid the foundation for classical mechanics.

Who developed the laws of gravity and also designed a reflecting telescope?

Sir Isaac Newton developed the laws of gravity and designed a reflecting telescope called the Newtonian telescope in the 17th century.

Related questions

The metric unit that is used to describe weight as a measure of the force of gravity is called what?

the Newton (N)

Is the metric unit that is used to describe weight as a mesure of the force of gravity is called a Newton?

The unit of force in the SI (metric) system is the Newton. It's used to describe any force, no matter where the force came from. "Weight" is a good example of a gravitational force.

Who was the first person to describe gravity?

Newton was the first to mention the idea but others made changes to what is called gravity. Einstein is one of these.

Is a measure of the gravitational force of an object?

The force (equal on both objects) is measured in newtons.

What is the measure of the pull of gravity on an object called?

The measure of the pull of gravity on an object is called its weight. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and is typically measured in units such as pounds or newtons.

Is a measurement of the pull of gravity?

Depending on what exactly you want to measure, that may refer to:* The weight of an object, measured in newton. * The strength of the gravitational field, measured in newton per kilogram, or the equivalent meters per second squared.

How do you measure gravity?

Gravity is typically measured using an instrument called a gravimeter, which detects small changes in gravitational force. These devices can measure the strength of gravity at different locations on Earth's surface. The measurement is usually given in units of acceleration, such as meters per second squared (m/s^2).

What contribution did Isaac Newton?

Isaac Newton is the man who described the laws of how objects move when forces act upon them, and devised the mathematical equations that describe how gravity affects other objects. Please note that Newton did NOT figure out how gravity works; we STILL don't how how or why it works as it does. But because of Newton, we can calculate how objects will behave under the influence of gravity or other forces. In order to devise these equations, Newton developed a branch of Mathematics called the "calculus" He was not the only Mathematician to contribute but the calculus is used in many other applications.

What is an object is the measure of the force of the gravity on an object called?

a measure of force that tells the omount og gravity acting on an object is called

What is the force of gravity on a an object known as?

This question is simple . The force of gravity or attraction for an object is called weight . The weight differs from one place to another . The SI (international system ) unit of weight is called the Newton (N) . To measure the weight of an object , we use a dynamometer .

Who is the British scientist who first described gravity?

Isaac Newton is the British scientist who first described gravity in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" published in 1687.

What does Sir Isaac Newton have to do with tides?

he proved that there was a force called gravity. the moon's gravity causes water to rise.