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From a position outside the star, such as a planet orbiting it, gravity does not change. It is only within the original radius of the star that there is a noticeable increase in gravity. After the collapse is finished, the gravity at a distance is actually reduced, as the supernova resulting from the collapse blasts away the star's outer layers, reducing the object's overall mass.

The strength of gravity for any object is proportional to the object's mass and inversely proportional to the square of your distance from it. So at a distance, the gravitational pull of a black hole can be no greater than that of the object that collapsed to form it.

For a stellar mass black hole, the gravitationaly pull at most distances is no different than that of a large star. It is only when you get within a few hundred thousand miles of it that the gravitational pull becomes abnormally strong.

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Q: Does the gravitational force increase even after the star starts collapsing?
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What shape does a collapsing nebula take?

The shapes that collapsing nebula take are a result of a combination of haphazard directions of movement and force responding to the initial motivating nudge from some external force and gravitational attraction and formation of clumps with in the nebula. The shape seen i.e. a blob, elliptical, etc. is in all probably a function of time with regard to the evolving motion and gravitational organization of matter with in the nebula.

As the mass of two objects increases how does the gravitational force between the two bodies change?

Gravity is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe.The magnitude of a gravitational force depends onthe masses of the objectsthe distance between the objectsThe gravitational force between two bodies increases as their masses increase.

On planet earth there is no centrifugal force at the?

At the center of the Earth, the centrifugal force is zero because all mass is evenly distributed around that point, resulting in a gravitational force that is balanced. As you move away from the center, both gravitational and centrifugal forces increase. At the surface of the Earth, the centrifugal force is present due to the rotation of the planet.

When earth angular velocity increase then gravitational acceleration increase?

An increase in Earth's angular velocity does not directly affect gravitational acceleration. Gravitational acceleration is determined by the mass of Earth and the distance from its center. Earth's rotation affects things like Coriolis forces and centrifugal forces, but not gravitational acceleration.

What is the gravitational force of the black hole?

The gravitational force of black hole is unlimited.

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Increasing the mass of the objects would increase the gravitational force between them, as force is directly proportional to mass. On the other hand, increasing the distance between the masses would decrease the gravitational force, as force is inversely proportional to distance squared according to the law of gravitation.

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At a greater distance, the gravitational force becomes less.

How could you increase gravitational force using mass?

You can increase the gravitational force between two objects by increasing the mass of at least one of the objects. Gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects involved, so the greater the mass, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

What would you expect to increase the gravitational force?

Increasing the mass of one or both objects involved or reducing the distance between them would increase the gravitational force between them.

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Gravitational energy can increase with an increase in the mass of an object, as more mass means more gravitational force. Additionally, gravitational energy can increase with a decrease in the distance between two objects, as the force of gravity gets stronger as the distance between objects decreases.

What happens to an objects mass when gravitational force is increased?

Nothing. The mass will not change with a gravitational increase, but the weight will.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when their masses are increaded?

The gravitational force between two objects increases as their masses increase. This is because gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects. As the masses increase, the force of attraction between them also increases.

How would you expect to increase the gravitational force between two objects?

To increase the gravitational force between two objects, you would need to either increase the mass of the objects or decrease the distance between them. Gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

If the distance between two objects is increase the gravitational force will?

Decrease. Gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects, so as the distance between them increases, the gravitational force between them decreases.

How can the mass and distance increase or desrease the gravitational force?

The gravitational force between two objects increases with their masses; the larger the masses, the stronger the force. Additionally, the gravitational force decreases with distance; the farther apart the objects are, the weaker the force between them.

How do you increase and decrease gravity?

To increase gravity, you would need to increase the mass of the object or planet exerting the gravitational force. To decrease gravity, you would need to reduce the mass of the object or planet exerting the gravitational force. Another way to decrease gravity is by increasing the distance between the objects experiencing the gravitational force.

What happend to the gravitational force between two objects if the distance between them is decreased?

If the distance between two objects is decreased, the gravitational force between them will increase. This is because the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects. Therefore, as the distance decreases, the force of gravity becomes stronger.