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Q: Does the density of a gas depend on how much gas is collected?
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How fast does light travel in a gas and why?

The speed will depend on the type of gas and on its density.

What is the density of air at 473 kelvin?

The temperature of gas doesn't tell you its density. The density of a sample of gas is going to depend on its volume, and any amount of gas will fill any container you put it in. After that, you can heat it or cool it to any temperature you want, and its density doesn't change.

What physical property of carbon dioxide allows gas to be collected?

The physical property of carbon dioxide that allows gas to be collected is its higher density compared to air. This causes carbon dioxide to sink and accumulate in a container when released, allowing for easy collection.

How much gas tax is collected in the US a day?

24 billion a day.

Does liquid have density?

Yes. The density of a liquid is usually close to that of a solid, and much higher than in a gas.

How much money is it to fill a 1992 grand marquis gas tank?

Well, that would depend how much the gas costs.

How much would gas cost if you go 650.37miles?

It would depend on the gas stations you went to.

Is the density of gas similar to that of a liquid?

No, the density of gas is much lower than that of a liquid. Gas particles are more spread out and have more space between them, resulting in lower density compared to liquids where particles are more closely packed together.

What difference between density in air and density in vacuum?

subtract 0.0011 from the density in vac to get density in air.

Is the density of liquid the same as the density of gas?

No, the density of a liquid is typically much higher than the density of a gas. This is because the molecules in a liquid are more closely packed together compared to a gas where the molecules are more spread out.

What happens to the density of water as it changes from liquid to a gas?

Gas is much less dense than liquid.

The name which Dalton used for the gas which he collected from ponds?

Dalton called the gas he collected from ponds "marsh gas" or "carbonic acid gas." Today, we know this gas as methane.