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Q: Does the contribution of heredity to personality mean that people have no control over what they can do?
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Which ethnicity has the largest ears?

its not about what ethnicity because there is no particular one that has large ears. But people have them due to heredity and genetic for large ears

What role do chromosomes and genes play in determining a child's heredity?

Chromosomes contain genes, which are the units of heredity that determine the traits a child inherits from their parents. Genes carry the instructions for making proteins that control various functions and characteristics in an individual, influencing everything from physical appearance to predisposition to certain diseases. The combination of genes inherited from both parents through their chromosomes determines the unique genetic makeup of a child.

How did polpot maintain control?

Pol Pot maintained control through a combination of fear, systematic repression, and indoctrination. His regime, the Khmer Rouge, used brutal tactics such as forced labor camps, mass executions, and suppression of dissent to keep the population in check. Additionally, Pol Pot's cult of personality and control over information allowed him to maintain power by instilling fear and enforcing obedience among the people.

Do your birthstones describe your personality?

Birthstones are traditionally believed to hold certain meanings and associations, but they do not have a direct influence on personality traits. While some people may resonate with the qualities typically associated with their birthstone, personality is shaped by a variety of factors beyond just a birthstone.

How does heredity affect body weight?

Heredity plays a role in body weight by influencing traits such as metabolism, body composition, and appetite regulation. People with a family history of obesity are more likely to have a higher body weight due to genetic predispositions. However, lifestyle choices such as diet and physical activity also play a significant role in determining body weight.

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Which is a risk factor you cannot control?

Hereditary Age Gender Race

What are the argument for and against heredity on determining personality?

There is always a discussion of nurture vs. nature in personality development. Siblings with the same parents and upbringing can have entirely different personalities. That is nature. When sitting at a table, they always use a fork and a knife the same way. Nurture. So you need to list the things that people in a family do the same that do not depend on biology.

Who studied heredity?

The study of heredity is known as Genetics, which is one of the Biological Sciences. The people who study heredity are known as Geneticists.

Who was a pioneer in the study of heredity?

Gregory Mendel was one of the first people to make speculations on heredity of traits

Role of school in personality development?

One's environment and the people they are around plays a major role, for example. Two twins could be separated at birth, and by age 10, they would have nothing but looks and genetics for similarities.

What is the ratio of people with Mayan heredity in Guatemalan?


How do people differ in their hair?

maybe, its because of heredity ..

What is the ratio of people with Mayan heredity in Guatemala?

4 out of 5

Does heredity and environment play a dramatic role in people's lifes?

;'\ iiopj

What is the contribution of black people for the betterment of humankind?

The contribution of black people for the betterment of humankind was encouraged by Martin Luther King.

Who was the One of the first people to study patterns of heredity scientifically?

Gregor Mendel

Why are psychologists interested in heredity?

Psychologists are interested in heredity because of its role in understanding individual differences in behavior, personality, and mental health. By studying the heritability of certain traits, psychologists can explore the interplay between genetic factors and environmental influences in shaping human development and functioning. This knowledge helps to inform research on topics such as genetics, mental illnesses, and interventions for psychological issues.