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a broom flower has an ugly scent

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1w ago

Broom flowers, also known as Cytisus, have a sweet fragrance, similar to the scent of honey. The scent is often described as pleasant and mildly sweet.

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Q: Does the broom flower have a scent?
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Can you change the scent of a flower?

No, the scent of a flower is determined by the chemicals it produces, which are part of its genetic makeup. You can't change the natural scent of a flower.

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Scent in any bloom attracts pollinators. The carrion scent attracts flies which are the pollinators.

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The odour or scent of the flower is to attract pollinators.

What arttracts icsects to flower name three.?

Colour, flower shape and scent.

What attracts an insect to a flower?

The colour and scent

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Titles:The Scent of a Flower I n Flower Bloom Mystique of a Flower Smitte n by a Flower's Beauty

What helps a plant attract insects?

Flower and scent.

What attracts insects to do pollination?

Insects are attracted to flowers for their nectar, which provides a source of energy. As insects feed on the nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen between flowers, facilitating pollination. Additionally, some flowers have bright colors and strong fragrances that serve as visual and olfactory cues to attract insects.