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Yes, a beam of light passing through jelly juice can show the Tyndall effect. The particles in the jelly juice scatter the light, making the beam visible as it passes through the liquid. This effect is commonly seen in colloids like jelly juice.

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Q: Does the beam of light shows tyndall effect in jelly juice?
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The scattering of light by a colloid is called?

The scattering of light by a colloid is called Tyndall effect. This effect occurs when light is scattered by particles within a colloid, making the beam of light visible due to the reflection and absorption of light by the colloidal particles.

Who gave their name to the Tyndall effect?

The Tyndall effect, or Tyndall scattering, was named after 19th century physicist John Tyndall. It has to do with light scattering through particles in a suspension.

Does colloids exhibits Tyndall effect?

Yes, colloids can exhibit the Tyndall effect, which is the scattering of light by particles in a colloid suspension. This effect is used to differentiate between colloidal and true solutions.

Will rubber show tyndall effect?

No, rubber does not show the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by colloidal particles or particles suspended in a transparent medium, which causes the light to be visible as a beam. Rubber does not have the scattering properties required to exhibit this effect.

A solution shows a Tyndall effect or soap shows Tyndall effect?

The Tyndall effect is the phenomenon where light is scattered by particles in a colloidal solution or suspension, making the beam visible. If a solution is showing the Tyndall effect, it indicates the presence of suspended particles that are large enough to scatter light. In the case of soap, the Tyndall effect may be observed when light is scattered by micelles or other structures in the soap that are similar in size to the wavelength of visible light.

Does a sugar solution show the Tyndall effect?

No, a sugar solution does not typically show the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by colloidal particles, but sugar molecules are generally too small to scatter light effectively.

The scattering of light by colloids is called?

the scattering of light by colloids is known as tyndall effect. it is named after the scientist who discovered it.

Is tyndall effect observed in true solution?

No, the Tyndall effect is not observed in true solutions. True solutions contain solute particles that are smaller than the wavelength of visible light, so they do not scatter light and appear transparent. The Tyndall effect is only observed in colloids or suspensions where the particles are larger and can scatter light, making the solution appear cloudy or opaque.

Did Michael Faraday discovered tyndall effect?

No, Michael Faraday did not discover the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect refers to the scattering of light by colloidal particles in a transparent medium and was actually named after the Irish physicist John Tyndall, who first explained the phenomenon in the 19th century.

The scattering of light by colloidal particles?

This is because there are solid particles suspended in the mixture although it is more stable than a suspension.

What is the scattering of light caused by suspended particles?

tyndall effect

What mixture shows the Tyndall effect?

A mixture that shows the Tyndall effect contains particles that are large enough to scatter light. This effect is typically seen in colloidal mixtures, such as a suspension of particles in a liquid. When a beam of light passes through the mixture, the scattered light makes the beam visible, creating a visible pathway of light.