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Q: Does the Number of seeds help germination?
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How do you calculate germination percent?

To calculate germination percentage, divide the number of seeds that have germinated by the total number of seeds planted, and then multiply by 100. The formula is: (Number of seeds germinated / Total number of seeds planted) x 100. This will give you the germination percentage.

Ways that seeds get from the flower to the ground for germination?

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Formula in computing the percentage of germination?

The formula for calculating the percentage of germination is: Number of germinated seeds / Total number of seeds planted x 100. This formula allows you to determine the percentage of seeds that have successfully germinated out of the total number of seeds planted.

What is the formula in getting the percentage of germination of seeds?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What is the formula in getting the percentage of seeds germination?

(# of seeds germinated/# of seeds sown)*100=% of germination

What two seeds have wings?

The two seeds with wings are maple seeds and pine seeds. The wings help these seeds be carried by the wind to a suitable location for germination.

Do vitamins affect the germination of seeds?


What is the name given when seeds produce tiny shoots and roots?


What stimulates germination of desert plant seeds after a hard rain?

The water itself stimulates the germination of the seeds.

How do you compute the result of germination?

Calculate the germination rate for each kind of seed your group planted in the terrarium. For each kind of seed: 1 Record the number of seeds you planted. 2 Record the number of seeds that germinated. 3 Write a fraction that compares the number of seeds that germinated to the number of seeds that were planted. 4 Change each fraction to a fraction that has a denominator of 100. 5 Show each fraction as a percentage. For example, if you planted 50 radish seeds and 35 seeds germinated, you would write 35/50 = 70/100 = 70%. The germination rate is 70%.

When should you consider replacing other seeds for germination?

You should consider replacing seeds for germination if they are old, damaged, have poor germination rates, or have been stored improperly. Using fresh, viable seeds will increase the chances of successful germination and healthy plant growth.

What type of germination do methi seeds show?

Methi seeds exhibit epigeal germination, where the cotyledons emerge above the ground during germination. This type of germination allows for the efficient exposure of the cotyledons to sunlight for photosynthesis.