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Q: Does suspension count as a absent?
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Related questions

Does it count against your insurance if you get a driving under suspension that gets thrown out of court and don't count against you?

You just answered your own question. If it was thrown out and don't count against you, then obviously it don't count against you.

What does absent mean?

Absent means not in attendance. You can be absent from school, be absent minded or absent in physical presence for example.

What is the past tense of Absent?

The past tense of 'is absent' is 'was absent'. e.g. "Tim was absent that day."

Is rice water is a colloid?

Yes, suspended silt would count as a colloid.

What percent of the class was absent if five eights of the class is absent?

62.5% of the class was absent if five eighths of the class is absent.

What happens when you are truant?

When you are truant, you are absent from school without permission. This can lead to disciplinary actions from the school, such as detention or suspension. It can also impact your academic performance and may result in legal consequences for your parents or guardians.

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What is the noun of absent?

Will driving suspension affect auto insurance?

Do you mean drivers license suspension? If so, it depends on the insurance company. It used to be that non-moving violations didn't count on your insurance rating but in the past few years they have starting allotting points for items like this.

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What is the prefix for absent?

The prefix for absent is "ab-".