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Yes, strategy is implemented at all levels of an organization, from the overall corporate level down to individual departments and teams. Each level of the organization must align their strategies to support the overall goals and objectives of the company. This ensures that everyone is working towards a common purpose and vision.

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Q: Does strategy takes place at every levels of organization?
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What every place on earth has a specific what?

Every place on earth has a specific what?

What are the 3 levels of organization in the nature world?

The three levels of organization in the natural world are organisms, populations, and communities. Organisms are individual living beings, populations consist of a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area, and communities are interactions and relationships between populations in a specific area.

How can you find out the climate of a place?

You can find out the climate of a place by consulting weather and climate websites, such as the National Weather Service or World Meteorological Organization. These websites provide historical climate data, including average temperatures, precipitation levels, and seasonal patterns. Additionally, you can also use online search engines to gather information about the climate of a specific place.

What is involved in a quick response strategy?

A quick response strategy involves having efficient systems in place to swiftly identify and address any issues or opportunities that arise. This typically includes clear communication channels, streamlined decision-making processes, and preparedness to take immediate action when needed. It also involves staying agile and adaptable to changing circumstances to respond effectively in a timely manner.

What strategies can be introduced to promote the importance of environmental responsibility and sustainable practice?

Depending on if you are a governing body, an industry or domestic environment. In general you would develop a strategy to education and train all those involved in every aspect of the business to understand the reasons for implementing the practices. This would include the moral and legal requirements of being environmentally focused. Develop a strategy to allow everyone to feed into assessments of the environment. This will allow everyone at all levels to feel they are part of the task and give a reason for taking ownership of the task required. Put in place good practice from successful organisations who undertake a similar role to yourself - This is a quick and will see positive results almost immediately. Develop a strategy's to recycle every possible thing that can at the time be reused somewhere. This can be used in line with waste reduction which in itself can be both costly and labour intensive. Have a strategy's to use suppliers who are also have proven environmental practices. IN many cases companies and Governments who will only use these types of people can and do find the quality of supply is also improved without additional costs. Use "continual improvement" strategies. Once a strategy is in place many will sit back and let it work. Quality development processes pushes for these to be revisited and challenged on a regular basis to ensure that they are still working and producing the right results. If not, then update the strategy and then cascade the updates to all concerned so that they again start to feed into the practices. Identify areas where the strategy's have brought in positive effects for the business. This may be cost savings, improved working conditions and of course awards from recognised bodies. These can then be used to inform business planning and even used when seeking or bidding for contracts.

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What are the 3 generic strategies according to Michael porter?

1) every organization needs a start 2)strategy means pursuing a position that is unique 3)strategy decides companies position in market place 4)strategy to be socially beneficial-society wants choice (having innovation) 5)technology as an enabler

What is punctuated misalignment?

Punctuated misalignment refers to situations where an organization's strategy doesn't align with its structure or systems, leading to inefficiencies or conflicts. This can occur when there is a disconnect between the organization's goals and the mechanisms in place to achieve them, causing disruptions or challenges in operations. Addressing punctuated misalignment often requires realigning the organization's strategy, structure, and processes to work together more effectively.

What is the importance of escalating an organisations HR function to a strategic level?

With a strategic human resource department the organization will have people in place to help meet their organization's objectives. Every functional department in an organization should be strategic.

What are conflicts in an organization?

There are different conflicts that take place in almost every organization. Some common organization conflicts are as follows:1. JD related problem2. Authority related problems3. Growth concerns4. Delegation concerns

What is the difference between a vision and a mission statement?

A vision statement is (or should be) a very simple, and very brief, statement of the goals an organization's founders have in mind for it, i.e., the place they envision the organization occupying in the future. A mission statement is about the founders' general goals regarding the organization as a whole. Once the founder's general vision for the firm has been put into words, a mission statement, more specific than the vision statement, and geared to the organization's customers and other stakeholders, serves as a compass and an official statement of the general business strategy by which the firm will move toward the achievement the founders' vision. Although there is a lot more involved in business strategy down through all levels of an organization, the mission statement serves as a roadmap to achievement of the vision, which is the ultimate destination.

How do strategic decision contribute to improving organizational performance?

ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT AND STRATEGYFor the organization to be effective, the vision contained in the organization's strategy must be concerned with the overall task of the organization. There have been many descriptions of this task. However, for our purposes the description generated by Igor Ansoff will serve best. This states that the overall task of the organization is that of arranging, managing and controlling the 'resource conversion process in such a WA as to optimize the attainment of the objectives.' For profit-making organizations, these objectives will be concerned with a complex mixture of often conflicting issues such as profit maximization, growth, revenue increase and power. Non-profit-making organizations will be concerned with an equally complex mixture which might include service provision, resource maximization, influence etc. Whatever the nature or detail of these objectives might be, they are all concerned with gain. The common presence of this gain in the strategy of all organizations means that we begin to view strategy as an organization improvement process. This is so because the strategy or vision of an organization and the decision taken to arrive at it, represent, a deliberate and conscious attempt to improve outcome of the actions or performance of the organization. These strategic decisions can be described as generating the framework within which performance improvement can take place. What certainly is true that the absence of organization strategy will mean that any effect at performance improvement might be short lived, in conflict with each other or even irrelevant.  There is a need for well defined strategy for improving organization for achieving objectives of business and mutuality.  Strategy can provide a steering force for organization improvement.  Whether explicitly thought over, written or not in practice strategic decisions are taken by management for organizational improvement, as they are required for healthy existence and growth of the organization.

Do ozone levels vary from place to place?

Ozone levels do vary place to place. Equator has the maximum amount of ozone.

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Any place with people in a hierarchy is an organization.

What are the main changes that have taken place in business administration over the last few years?

One main change that has impacted business administration is the fact that it has become more strategic. Managers are aligning goals with their organization's mission and strategy.

What are the marketing strategy of tommyhilfiger?

it should take care of 4ps that is product , price, promotion and place these are the factors of marketing mix so price of product must be leading to promote the sale of the product at the particular place to every leveled people

What is a post-it note strategy?

yo yo yo glad ur readin this, a post-it note strategy is a useful tool to tell you, show you or remind you of somthing. Just simply write in on the sticky note and place it whever your strategy takes place.

Definition for retention strategy for employees?

retention strategy - a way to keep workers and prevent them from looking for another place of employment