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Water is very slightly LESS DENSE than vinegar. One kilogram of water has the same mass as one kilogram of vinegar (and one kg of lead, gold or helium for that matter and so WEIGHS exactly the same

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14y ago
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8y ago

Vinegar is about 5 to 10% aqueous solution of Acetic acid (CH3COOH), water molecules contain 88.89% Oxygen while Acetic acid molecules contain About 53.33% Oxygen so with respect to mass ratio the amount of oxygen in water is higher than Vinegar.

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14y ago

Yes. One water molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

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4w ago

No, soda does not have more oxygen than Orange Juice. Oxygen is not an ingredient in either soda or orange juice.

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16y ago

yes because water is h2o only and soda and winegar are more than h2o

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What is the difference between orange juice orange drink orange beverage orange punch and orange cocktail?

Orange juice is made from squeezing oranges, while orange drink contains artificial flavors and sweeteners. Orange beverage is a more generic term that can refer to any drink made with oranges. Orange punch typically includes a mix of fruit juices, soda, and sometimes alcohol. An orange cocktail is a mixed drink that includes orange juice or orange-flavored liqueur.

In what order do these freeze milk water orange juice soda?

First, water freezes at 0°C, followed by orange juice, which freezes at a slightly lower temperature due to its sugar content. Next, milk freezes at a lower temperature than water due to its fat content. Finally, soda freezes at the lowest temperature due to its sugar and carbonation, making it the most resistant to freezing.

Does taking half a teaspoon of baking soda with orange juice every day make you grow taller?

No, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming baking soda with orange juice can increase a person's height. Height is primarily determined by genetics and factors such as nutrition, exercise, and overall health.

Freezes the quickest milk orange juice soda water?

Milk freezes the quickest due to its higher fat content, followed by orange juice and soda, while water freezes slowest due to its pure form and absence of impurities.

What dissolves a chip faster soda juice or water?

Soda typically dissolves a chip faster than juice or water due to its carbonation and acidity. The carbonic acid in soda can break down the chip more quickly compared to the less acidic juice or plain water.

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What is more reactive with baking soda orange juice or vinegar?

Lemon juice works bestl

Why would soda make a coin rust faster than orange juice?

Both soda and orange juice are acidic, but the carbination in most sodas make it more acidic than the mildly-acidic citric acid in orange juice.

Why does orange juice turn to orange pop?

because you have to put baking soda in orange juice

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Does orange juice have more acid than soda?

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soda soda

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A beverage that starts with an o?

orange soda orange juice

Conclusion on what makes a penny rust soda or orange juice?

orange juice because of the acid

What food and drink starts with orange?

orange soda, orange juice, orange chicken

What happens when orange juice and baking soda are mixed?

When orange juice and baking soda are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs. The acid in the orange juice reacts with the base in the baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas, which causes the mixture to bubble and fizz. This reaction may alter the taste and consistency of the orange juice.

Which will melt pills faster soda water or orange juice?
