

Best Answer

Yes. Sodium and chloride are the most abundant ions in sea salt.

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Q: Does salt water have sodium chloride?
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What about salt water?

Salt water is a water solution of sodium chloride.

Is sodium chloride a solvent in salt water?

No, sodium chloride is a solute in saltwater, not a solvent. In saltwater, water is the solvent that dissolves the sodium chloride solute.

Sodium chloride salt is an example of what?

Sodium chloride is an inorganic salt, an ionic salt, colorless, very soluble in water.

What is a salt water?

Salt water is a water solution of sodium chloride.

Is sodium chloride an?

Sodium chloride is an electrolyte: - in water solution - as molten salt

Is salt water known as sodium?

Salt water is not the same as sodium. Salt water is a mixture of water and dissolved salts, while sodium is a chemical element found in salt known as sodium chloride. Salt water contains a variety of dissolved salts, not just sodium.

Why doesn't sodium chloride react with water to produce sodium hydroxide?

Sodium chloride does not react with water to produce sodium hydroxide because sodium chloride is a stable salt compound. The chemical structure of sodium chloride does not readily break down in water to form sodium hydroxide. Instead, sodium chloride dissociates into sodium and chloride ions in water due to its ionic nature.

How does sodium chloride salt differ from water Answer this in chemical terms?

Sodium chloride is a salt - NaCl.Water is an oxide -H2O.

What is the element mixed with sodium found in salt water?

chloride Chlorine. Salt is Sodium Chloride (NaCl) my bobes

Sodium chloride how does salt get to the table?

Sodium chloride is extracted from salt mines or sea water and after this is purified to become table salt.

A solution of sodium chloride in water is?

Sodium chloride dissolved in water form an electrolyte: NaCl..............Na+ + Cl-

What does salt water have?

Salt water contain dissolved sodium chloride.