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Yes, The Ovary contains the Ovules, which, when pollinated, turn into the seed.

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3mo ago

No, pollination in a flower typically occurs on the stigma of the pistil. The pollen travels down the style to reach the ovary where fertilization takes place. Once fertilized, the ovary develops into a fruit containing seeds.

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Q: Does pollination in a flower take place in the ovary?
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How could self-pollination take place?

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How could self pollination take place?

Self-pollination could take place in many different flowers like a pea flower or a daisy. ect...

Can a flower still become flower if it is not pollinated?

The flower is to attract insects and bees, etc, and aid in cross-pollination for seeds to develop. If cross-pollination doesn't take place, there will still be a flower, but no seeds will develop.

What flower parts are involved in fertilization?

Fertilization takes place in the flower's ovary. The male gamete from the pollen is transported from the stigma down the style and into the ovary where it fertilizes the female gamete (the ovule).

What is needed for pollination to take place?

In order for pollination to occur, what must happen to the pollen grains is that they have to be transferred to the stigma in a flower of the same species. The stigma is the female part of the flower.

When does pollination happens?

Cross pollination happens when the pollen of one flower is placed upon the stigma of another flower, whether of the same varietyor not.

When does pollination take place?

A flower is pollinated when a bee drinks it's nectar. The bee will have pollen (a dust like substance) trapped on the hairs of it's legs from other flowers. Pollen from the flower gets trapped on the bee, and pollen trapped on the bee's legs get in the flower. This is how a flower is pollinated.

The transfer of pollen from a male structure to a female structure?

This process is called pollination, which involves the movement of pollen grains from the anther (the male structure) to the stigma (the female structure) of a flower. Once pollination occurs, fertilization can take place, leading to the development of seeds and fruit.

Where the fertilisation occur in plant?

Fertilization in plants typically occurs in the ovule, which is located within the ovary of the flower. The pollen must land on the stigma of the flower, germinate, and grow a pollen tube down to the ovary to deliver male gametes for fertilization to take place.

When the pollen meets with the ovules what will take place?


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What changes will take place in the petals and the ovary after fertilization has occurred?

After fertilization, the petals of the flower will often wither and drop off, as they are no longer needed for attracting pollinators. The ovary will begin to develop into a fruit, which will house the seeds that result from the fertilization process.