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lightning strikes the highest objects first but it still hits lower objects

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3mo ago

Lightning tends to strike tall objects such as trees, buildings, or towers because they offer an easier path for the electrical discharge to reach the ground. However, lightning can strike the ground directly or move horizontally, so being the tallest object does not guarantee a strike.

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Can lighting strike a train?

Of course lighting can strike anything

What does lighting strike the most?

Lightning is most likely to strike tall or pointed objects, such as trees, buildings, or lightning rods. These objects provide a pathway for the lightning to travel from the cloud to the ground. Areas with frequent thunderstorms and high levels of atmospheric instability are more prone to lightning strikes.

What causes lighting to strike humans?

Lightning can strike humans when they are in close proximity to a lightning strike, such as standing under a tree or near metal objects. The human body can become a path for the electrical current to travel, resulting in a lightning strike. In such cases, the lightning can cause serious injury or even death.

How do tell predict when lighting will strike?

its impossible to know exactly where lightning will strike

What happens when someone gets stroke by lighting?

They die ps you spelt struck wrong A person does not always die after being struck by lightning. There are many occasions where people have survived a lightning strike. You can always do a search on lightning strike survivors and you will see this is true.

Why should you avoid standing tall objects under an electrical storms?

Lighting tends to strike tall objects and some of that charge can pass through anyone standing under or near them. This can result in death or permanent nerve or brain damage.

How fast does lighting strike?

200 milli seconds

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Does lighting ever strike in one place twice?


Where does lighting shoot?

Lightning usually is attracted to bodies of water and even small puddles and tall things like buildings and trees. It will strike at the tallest point it can find, so if there is one tree in the middle of a field it would hit the tree, not the grass.

What do people call the the most deadly lighting strike?

There is no "most deadly lightning strike". Lightning either kills or doesn't.