"Microwaves" are radio waves ... those with wavelengths of 10 centimeters or less.
The wavelengths of the signals used for point-to-point microwave communication
are shorter than the wavelengths of the signals used to broadcast radio and TV to
household and automotive receivers, and also longer than the wavelength of the
signals to the GPS receiver in your car.
Microwaves are shorter than the wavelengths used to operate your cellphone.
The microwave range of frequencies (wavelengths) is used for the signals that bring
900 channels of satellite TV directly to the little dish on the corner of your house.
Here's an interesting factoid: Technically, the box in your kitchen that heats the
leftover meatloaf in 13 seconds is not a "microwave" oven. "Microwave" officially
refers to frequencies of 3 GHz and higher (wavelength 10 cm and less). The handy
kitchen appliance operates at the frequency assigned to it, which in the USA is
2.450 GHz (12.24 cm).
Red light has the longest wavelength and the shortest frequency among the visible light spectrum.
Radio waves have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
The longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum is radio waves, which can have wavelengths ranging from tens of meters to thousands of kilometers.
No. In the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the waves at the red end have the longest wavelength (lowest frequency), and those at the violet end have the shortest wavelength (highest frequency).
Red light has the second longest wavelength in the visible light spectrum, after infrared light.
There is no longest wavelength for photons. It can be arbitrarily long.
"radio waves" have longest wavelength..
-- longest wavelength -- lowest frequency
Red light has the longest wavelength.
Red light has the longest wavelength and the shortest frequency among the visible light spectrum.
Red is the longest wavelength of visible light
Radio waves have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Red light has the longest wavelength among the visible colors of light.
Red is the longest wavelength of visible light
Red light has the longest wavelength in the visible light spectrum.
The longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum is radio waves, which can have wavelengths ranging from tens of meters to thousands of kilometers.
Red light has the longest wavelength of all the visible light colors.