Helium and Oxygen are different chemical elements, so no there are no chemical process that can convert one into the other. Nuclear processes inside stars can convert Helium into heavier elements such as Carbon and Oxygen, but these are beyond the range of current or planned thermonuclear reactors, as they require much higher temperatures and pressures than for conversion of Hydrogen into Helium.
There isn't a specific compound that can be made using 15g of oxygen and 5g of helium, as oxygen and helium do not readily react with each other to form compounds. However, both oxygen and helium are gases at standard conditions.
Helium is a noble gas and is inert, meaning it does not react with common compounds like oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide. Helium is chemically stable and does not form compounds easily due to its full outer electron shell.
no. lead doesnot react with helium
Noble gases are considered inactive and do not react with any other substance/element.
No. helium is inert
Hydrogen an react with oxygen to form water and not helium
Helium is completely inert. Oxygen will react with many substances.
There isn't a specific compound that can be made using 15g of oxygen and 5g of helium, as oxygen and helium do not readily react with each other to form compounds. However, both oxygen and helium are gases at standard conditions.
Normally none as helium is an Inert Gas which does not react with other elements.
No. Helium does not react with anything and oxygen is an element: you cannot get an element by combining substances. You can, however, split water apart into hydrogen and oxygen.
Helium is a noble gas and is inert, meaning it does not react with common compounds like oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide. Helium is chemically stable and does not form compounds easily due to its full outer electron shell.
nothing helium will not bond with anything and there for can not create a compound But there may be a few derivatives of a metastable F HeO- anion, in which helium is covalently bonded to oxygen.
No. Helium does not react at all.
no. lead doesnot react with helium
Noble gases are considered inactive and do not react with any other substance/element.
No. helium is inert
A non-example of oxygen could be helium, as it is an inert gas that does not readily react with other elements to form compounds or support combustion like oxygen does.