

Best Answer

Yes. The reasons are helium is monoatomic

and light and therefore at a particular temperature the helium atoms move faster and can diffuse out quicker than the larger molecules N2, O2 in an air filled balloon. (This is Grahams Law of gaseous effusion in practise)
Gases are diffusing through the

balloon membrane in both directions- the pressure difference is not really that great after all you can inflate a balloon using only lung power.

Fill a balloon with a gas such as SF6 then it will inflateas the lighter faster moving air diffuse in at a higher rate than SF6 diffuses out

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Q: Does helium come out of a balloon faster than air?
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Which balloon can deflate faster?

A balloon filled with helium will likely deflate faster than a balloon filled with air because helium molecules are smaller and can escape through the balloon material more easily.

If air is denser why does helium pop faster?

Because helium is less denser than air a helium balloon can rise; it is very simple !

What is the difference between having helium in a balloon and having air in a balloon?

Helium is lighter than air, so a balloon filled with helium will float. In contrast, air-filled balloons will sink because the density of air is greater than that of helium. Additionally, helium balloons will deflate faster than air-filled balloons due to its smaller molecular size.

Is a helium balloon heavier than air filled balloon?

No. Helium is lighter than air

Does compressed air go faster than helium?

Speed is not determined by the composition of a gas. Too may other variables. As phrased, there is no answer possible to your question. Will helium seep out of a balloon faster than air? Yes. Go faster? Explain your question.

What makes a child's balloon rise?

Helium. The helium gas in the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon.

Why does a helium balloon float up when it is released?

A helium balloon floats up when released because helium is less dense than air. The helium inside the balloon is lighter than the surrounding air, causing it to create a buoyant force that pushes the balloon upward.

What happen when a balloon is filled with helium?

When a balloon is filled with helium, it becomes buoyant because helium is lighter than the surrounding air. This causes the balloon to rise and float. The helium gas inside the balloon also increases the pressure, which helps the balloon maintain its shape and stay inflated.

Would an hydrogen balloon float better than a helium one?

Hydrogen is lighter than helium. So hydrogen balloon will float better than helium.

Why is that a big balloon filled with the helium floats?

Helium is lighter than air. hence helium balloon will float in air.

What makes a helium balloon fly?

A balloon filled with helium flies because helium weighs less than air.

Which gas fills a balloon faster?

Helium typically fills a balloon faster than air because it is less dense than air and flows easily into the balloon. Helium is also less likely to escape from the balloon due to its smaller molecular size compared to the molecules in air.