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Not necessarily. While it is true that gravity is an inverse square relationship with distance, making closeness an important factor, mass is also important, so, for example, if two planets were in the vicinity of a spacecraft, gravity would depend on both mass and distance. Yes, distance is a squared factor, but if one planet were very much larger than the other, it could easily win out, even if it were further away.

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8mo ago

Yes, gravity acts between any two objects with mass, so a spacecraft will be pulled towards the nearest planet due to its gravitational force. However, the spacecraft's own velocity also plays a role in determining its trajectory and whether it will achieve orbit around the planet or continue on a path through space.

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Q: Does gravity always pull a spacecraft towards the nearest planet?
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Gravity is the force that is always acting on us. It is the force that pulls objects towards each other, such as the Earth pulling us towards its center.

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Acceleration due to gravity always points vertically downward because gravity is a conservative force that acts in the direction that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. This results in all objects falling towards the Earth along vertical lines, causing the acceleration due to gravity to be directed downwards.

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Gravity is always acting on the vertical axis, pulling objects downward towards the Earth's center.

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Acceleration due to gravity is always directed towards the center of the Earth, which is typically considered downward. However, in certain situations such as on a curved surface or in space, the direction of gravity's acceleration may vary.

When do you see gravity in action?

Gravity is always in action, pulling objects towards each other. We see gravity in action when we drop something and it falls to the ground, when the planets orbit around the sun, and when we jump and come back down to the Earth.

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Gravity pulls objects towards the Earth. It is an attractive force that acts between any two objects with mass. This force is what keeps objects on the surface of the Earth.

Why do astronauts seen to fly inside their spacecraft?

They are in a state of weightlessness caused be the distance from earth. This is because of one of 2 reasons. If the space craft is in a orbit around the planet, the weightlessness is caused by a constant falling towards the planet, but always misses the ground (you can get the same effect if you are inside an airplane dropping towards earth with more the 9.82m/s). If the spacecraft have left the earth gravity alltogether, there are simply no force pulling the astronauts downwards, making them seem to float. Gravity is caused by the fact that materia bend the time/space field in a way that matter is drawn towards one another. You need a very big mass for this affect to be noticeable though, like for example, the mass of Earth on a person.