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Q: Does fungi and bacteria have a cell wall?
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How do the structures such as nucleus and cell wall differ in fungi and bacteria?

bacteria can be like a liquidish cell but fungi can have a solid cell wall

Does sperm have a cell wall?

No they don't - only plant, fungi, and bacteria have cell wall.

What cells have cell wall?

plantae and fungi.

What provides support and structure to plant fungi and bacteria cells?

the cell wall

What organism does not a have a cell wall?

Animals and most protists don't have a cell wall .All plants , fungi and Bacteria have cell wall .Cell wall of plants id made up of cellulose . In bacteria it is made up of peptidoglycan while in fungi it is made up of chitin .

What is cellouse cell wall?

Cell wall made out of cellulose is the cell wall of a plant. A fungi has a cell wall composed of chitin and a bacteria has a cell wall composed of glycoprotein.

What organelle encloses the cells of plants algae fungi and most bacteria?

Cell wall.

How does a bacterium's cell wall protect it?

By putting cement bricks as a wall

What cell structure found in bacteria fungi and plants is not in animal cells?

Cell wall is a cell structure found in bacteria, fungi, and plants that is not present in animal cells. It provides structural support and protection for the cell.

What is encloses the cell of plants algae fungi and most bacteria?

Cell Wall ! :D

What structure found in bacteria fungi and plants is lacking in animal cell?

cell Wall

Do all cells contain a cell wall?

Only some bacteria, plants, and fungi contains a cell wall.