

Does faulting build volcanoes

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: Does faulting build volcanoes
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How is faulting related to earthquakes volcanoes and tsunamis?

Faulting occurs in all three of these

What processes can be observed at the margins of lithospheric plates?

At plate margins, processes such as subduction, where one plate is forced beneath another, occur. This can lead to the formation of deep ocean trenches. Additionally, plate margins can be locations of volcanic activity and earthquakes due to the movement and interaction of the plates.

Why do you have volcanoes?

Well, if volcanoes didn't exist, neither would the earth. Since volcanoes helped build the earth.

Are there any volcanoes in lake tahoe?

Lake Tahoe was not made by volcanoes. It was made by faulting. This happened several million years ago.

What can up and down faulting also be called?

Up and down faulting can also be called normal faulting or graben faulting, depending on the specific geological context. These terms refer to the movement of rock blocks along faults, where one block moves downward relative to the other.

Shield volcanoes form from the build-up of?

Fluid, basaltic lavas

How do volcanoes eropt?

thyey eropt whe nheat build up stupid

What is causing faulting?

Faulting is caused by the stretching or compression of rock by tectonic plate movements

When plates converge heat and presure can cause a build up of magma and create?


What in geology?

about earth ^thats true, but ive done Geology as an A Level and the modules i did involved tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanoes, folding and faulting of rock, what the earth is made of, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, the rock cycle and palaentology

Can volcanoes erupt because of the suns heat?

no they cant, it erupts because of the build-up of pressure

What are Produced by volcanoes?

Shield volcanoes are produced by runny lava. That's why they have sloping sides and are like giant shields on the ground. The runny lava can't build up easily.