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No. Although the movement of rocks may assist in their reduction in size, the weathering that occurs will tend to produce rounded edges.

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2w ago

Erosion can wear away rock pieces, but it is unlikely to make them square. Erosion typically smoothens and rounds the edges of rock pieces as they are transported by water, wind, or ice. Square-shaped rocks are more likely to result from natural fracturing or human activities like quarrying.

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Q: Does erosion wear away rock pieces and make them square?
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How do weathering and erosion create or change landforms?

Weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments or ion in solution. Erosion is the removal of that material away from its source. Weathering and erosion are responsible for the unique landforms on Earth's surface. Every "cool" vacation spot out west was most likely created by weathering and erosion. Bryce National Park, Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, etc. In order for erosion to occur, you must have a transporting medium, e.g. water, wind, glacial ice.

What do waves make when they break rock into small pieces?

Waves breaking against rocks can cause hydraulic action, where the force of the water compresses and weakens the rock, leading to its eventual breakdown into smaller pieces through erosion and abrasion.

Which type of land suffers the most from wind erosion?

Dry and loose soil, such as in deserts and arid regions, is most susceptible to wind erosion. Lack of vegetation and dry conditions make the soil more vulnerable to being picked up and carried away by wind.

How are mesas formed?

Mesas are formed through a combination of geological processes such as erosion, sedimentation, and uplift. The flat top of a mesa is the result of horizontal layers of sedimentary rock that have been uplifted, while the steep sides are shaped by erosion from water and wind. Over time, differential erosion wears away the softer rock layers, leaving behind the characteristic flat-topped plateau.

How many pieces of fresh coconut in 1 kg?

On average, there are about 3-4 pieces of fresh coconut in 1 kg, depending on the size of the coconut pieces.

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Why do erosion make beaches smaller?

Because erosion takes away sands, erosion can happen in many different ways (ex: water and wind) winds can blow away the sand.

How erosion helps?

Erosion is helpful because it helps make beaches, sand dunes, and deltas. Erosion does not make these landforms, deposition does, but erosion links with deposition. Erosion is also damaging because it washes away soil and clogs waterways

How many pieces of vinyl soffit are in a square?

8 pieces make a square for vinyl soffit. I install it and I know. 12" x 12' piece.

How do you make thirds with square?

you cut the square in to three little pieces and voila! you just made thirds with a square!

What causes most erosion?

Erosion-waering away of soil and rocks in landforms mostly by water.Exmples: rivers,strems,ice. This can make mountains smaller as the broken fragments moved away.

How do you make 4 rectangular pieces from a square?

You cut it diagonally from each corner.

Why does erosion make stuff change shape?

Erosion makes stuff change because it is eating the stuff away or basically rotting. Just imagine you being erosion and the stuff its eroding is food.

How does wind make erosion?

it blows stuff away like sand and light stuff like that

Which tangram pieces can make a square with the area of nine square inches?


What does erosion make?

Erosion is the process of wearing away and moving rock or soil. It can create various landforms such as canyons, valleys, and beaches as its forces shape the Earth's surface over time.

How many pieces of plywood does it take to make a square?

2. A standard piece is 4' by 8'