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No, it does not.

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9mo ago

No, Earth's atmosphere is not as thick as Venus'. Venus has an atmosphere that is composed mainly of carbon dioxide, with a pressure about 92 times greater than Earth's atmosphere. This makes Venus' atmosphere much thicker and denser than Earth's.

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Q: Does earth have as thick an atmosphere as Venus?
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Does Venus's have a thick atmosphere?

Thick AtmosphereYes, Venus has a thick atmosphere. The pressure at the surface is 92 times that of earth.

Do Mercury and Venus have thick atmospheres?

Venus has a thick atmosphere. Mercury does not have an atmosphere.

Is the same size as earth has no moons and has thick atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide?

The planet you are describing matches the characteristics of Venus. Venus is nearly the same size as Earth, has no moons, and its atmosphere is mostly composed of carbon dioxide, with thick clouds of sulfuric acid.

Is the air on Venus thick or thick?

It is very thick. At ground level and at 20 deg C, Venus's atmosphere is around 50 times as dense as the Earth's.

Which 2 inner planets have thick atmospheres?

Venus and Earth are the two inner planets with thick atmospheres. Venus has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, while Earth has a diverse atmosphere containing nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases.

Did Earth have a thick atmosphere?

Yes, Earth's atmosphere has always been thinner than that of planets like Venus or Mars. Earth's atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, with trace amounts of other gases. The ancient Earth had a different composition of gases in its atmosphere compared to today, but it was never as thick as Venus or as thin as Mars.

Which planet has such a thick atmosphere?

Venus has a thick atmosphere that is composed mainly of carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid. This thick atmosphere creates a strong greenhouse effect, trapping heat and making Venus the hottest planet in our solar system.

Why is Venus hotter then earth?

Two reasons I know of; Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth is. Venus has a very thick CO2 atmosphere that captures much of the solar heat.

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Is the atmosphere of venus thick or skinny?

Very thick.

Which planets have a thick atmosphere?

Define thick - all 4 outer planets plus Venus have thicker atmospheres than Earth.

Which planets are called earth twins?

Venus and Mars are often called Earth's twins because they are rocky planets like Earth, but they have different environments. Venus has a thick toxic atmosphere, while Mars has a thin atmosphere with extreme temperatures.