

Does distilled water expire

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Yes, all you need to have to make water burn is; 2 batteries, a cup, water, and matches. First, put the batteries in the cup with water for 30 minute's. Then use the matches to burn it. Be careful not to burn your house!!^ ^ just kidding.
It doesn't have flammable properties. It is inert.

Because of its chemical composition. And then it's a good thing it doesn't, since we use water so much in our daily lives.

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14y ago

Distilled water (or any other kind) cannot be incinerated (burned). But it can be heated and can burn an individual who comes in contact with it, either as the heated liquid or as the vapor we know as steam.

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Q: Does distilled water expire
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Does water actually expire?

Depending on type of water you get. If it is spring water, it shouldn't expire unless the contents of the bottle that contained it has came off or something. If it distilled water or flavored, it is still mainly due to impurities of the bottle that fall off in, and their is still some impurities in the water itself if it was distilled or flavored. In some cases, not all water that is in the bottle is good or healty for you, but it is still better than some school water, I think. So, that is why the companies manafacturers are required, in some cases, to put an expiration date on it. That is all I know.

Are there any difference between distilled water used for batteries and distilled water used for terbine washing?

No, distilled water is distilled water.

Why is distilled water a base?

Distilled water is not a base.

What is a sentence for distilled?

You should not drink distilled water as it lacks minerals which are beneficial for us.Make a solution of the salt in distilled water.

Distilled water is an element mixture or a compound?

Water (distilled or not) is a chemical compound - H2O.

Is distilled water classified as a base?

Distilled water is neutral

Which has higher water potential pure water or distilled water?

distilled! :D

Can distilled water can use as electrolite in batteries?

Electrolyte is 35% Sulfuric acid and 65% distilled water. You can add distilled water to a battery that is low, but distilled water alone cannot be used as an electrolyte.

What type acid live in distilled water?

Distilled water is a neutral

Why is distilled water a heterogenous solution?

Distilled water is homogenous not heterogenous.

How do you know water that you have purchased is distilled?

Distilled water is clearly labelled as such.

Does distilled water evaporates?

Yes, distilled water is quickly evaporated.