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only if you make love with peanut butter while standing on your fat head in china while having surgery in november

Absoulty Not and I think you already knew that I think you are wasting time from those of us who ACTUALLY need our answers ANSWERED!!!!!

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16y ago

Yes, because copper sulfate has a hardness of 3.5 to 4 and iron has a hardness of 4 to 5.

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Q: Does copper scratch easily
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Why is gold and copper used in making jewelry?

because gold and copper are hardly reactive and dont scratch easily

Which metals scratch easily?

lots of metals scratch eaily including copper steel and iron :)

Will quartz scratch a peice of copper?

Yes, quartz is harder than copper on the Mohs scale, so quartz can scratch copper.

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It certainly is possible to scratch it, but this stand is scratch resistant and won't scratch easily - but almost nothing out there is really "scratch proof". Generally, no it won't scratch easily.

How could you find out whether copper is harder or softer than the plastic use in a plastic cup?

One way to compare the hardness of two materials is to see which of the materials can scratch the other.

Can copper scratch other rocks and minerals?

Yes, copper is a relatively soft metal with a Mohs hardness of about 3. This means it is softer than many common rocks and minerals, so it can scratch them. However, some harder minerals like quartz or corundum can scratch copper.

What can scratch the copper?

topaz calcite cooperate

Can quartz scratch a copper penny?

No, quartz is harder than copper and can scratch it. However, a copper penny is typically made of a copper-zinc alloy that is harder than pure copper, so it might be more resistant to scratching by quartz but it is still possible.

What mineral can be scratched by a steel knife but not a copper penny?

Copper. Copper has a hardness of 2.5-3 on the Mohs scale, while a steel knife generally has a hardness of around 5.5 - 6.5. This means that a steel knife can scratch copper, but a copper penny cannot scratch a steel knife.

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Can you scratch a copper coin with a knife blade?

Yes, it is possible to scratch a copper coin with a knife blade as copper is a relatively soft metal compared to steel. However, the knife blade needs to have a harder material rating in order to scratch the copper.

What can a copper penny scratch?

A copper penny can scratch materials with a Mohs hardness of 2.5 or lower, such as gypsum, talc, and some plastics. It will not scratch harder materials like glass, steel, or most ceramics.