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true. cellular respiration does give the abilty to repair plant tissue.

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While cellular respiration is essential for providing energy for plant cells to carry out various functions, the ability of a plant to repair tissue is mainly driven by processes such as cell division and differentiation. These processes involve the activation of specialized cells and factors responsible for tissue repair and growth, rather than being directly linked to cellular respiration.

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Q: Does cellular respiration give the ability of a plant to repair tissue?
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The ability of a plant to repair tissue depends on its capacity for cell division and regeneration at the site of injury, as well as the presence of specialized cells like meristems which can differentiate into new tissue. Additionally, factors like nutrient availability, environmental conditions, and the severity of the damage can also impact the plant's ability to repair tissue.

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Tissue respiration, or internal respiration. you are probably looking for aerobic respiration

What is tissue respiration?

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tissue respiration.

What are the functions of water and protein in a healthy body?

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Is the absorption of oxygen into individual cells part of respiration?

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