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Yes, burnt popcorn can produce carbon monoxide. When popcorn is burnt, the sugars and oils in the kernels can release carbon monoxide gas as a byproduct. It's important to always monitor popcorn while cooking to prevent burning and ensure proper ventilation in the kitchen.

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Q: Does burnt popcorn produce carbon monoxide?
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Can diesel gas produce carbon monoxide?

Yes, any hydrocarbon that is not burnt 100% completely can cause this gas.

Is carbon monoxide made from a complete combustion?

Carbon monoxide is not the result of a complete combustion.Carbon monoxide is made when hydrocarbons are burnt in low amount of oxygen. That means when partial combustion is happened. Carbon monoxide is harmful to the animals.

What poisonous gas is formed when natural gas is burnt in a limited supply of oxygen?

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas formed when natural gas is burnt in a limited supply of oxygen. It is odorless and colorless, making it difficult to detect without a carbon monoxide detector. Exposure to carbon monoxide can be life-threatening.

What do fossil fuels give out when they are burnt?

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to name but a couple of gasses.

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You would be producing carbon dioxide and water vapor, assuming that it is a complete combustion. If a partial combustion is in occurrence, carbon monoxide would also exist.

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When petrol is burned, it undergoes combustion to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat energy. Small amounts of other pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides may also be produced depending on the combustion conditions.

Does trees absorb carbon monoxide?

No, trees do not absorb carbon monoxide. Trees primarily absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is typically removed from the air by other processes, such as through chemical reactions in the atmosphere and by the action of microorganisms in the soil.

When methonal is burnt which gases are produced?

When methanol is burnt, it predominantly produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, along with small amounts of carbon monoxide and other combustion byproducts.

Which gas do fossil fuels give out when they are burnt?

carbon monoxide, CO2, sulpher di oxide

Why is carbon monoxide more likely to be formed in engines than if the fuel was burnt in the open air?

Carbon monoxide is more likely to be formed in engines due to incomplete combustion of fuel in the engine's confined space. In open air combustion, there is a higher availability of oxygen for complete combustion, reducing the formation of carbon monoxide. In engines, factors like fuel-to-air ratio and high temperatures can lead to the production of carbon monoxide as a byproduct.

How is carbon monoxide made in car?

Carbon Monoxide is a by-product of combustion of petroleum (Gasoline) When gasoline burns (Because of the ignition that happens within the engine) it products carbon monoxide (Chemical Formula "CO"). The greater the engine capacity and power/speed, the greater is the amount of gasoline that gets burnt and greater is the amount of carbon monoxide produced

How burning carbon in air can lead o the formation of carbon monoxide?

The formation of carbon dioxide. Burning coal that releases only carbon dioxide means the coal is completely burnt and more energy is produced. Carbon monoxide is released when the combustion process is incomplete.