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Q: Does bougainvillea has net veined leaf?
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What kind of roots does a net veined leaf have?

A net-veined leaf typically has fibrous roots. These roots are fine and hair-like, branching out in all directions to absorb water and nutrients effectively from the soil. Fibrous roots are common in plants with net-veined leaves because they provide good anchorage and efficient uptake of resources.

There are two types of netted venation arrangements these are called?

Pinnately Net-Veined, and Palmately Net-Veined

Is a bougainvillea a simple leaf?

No, a bougainvillea is not a simple leaf. It is a type of plant that has modified leaves called bracts that surround its small white flowers.

What is parallel venation?

Parallel venation is a type of leaf venation pattern where veins run parallel to each other from the base to the tip of the leaf. This arrangement is common in monocot plants such as grasses, lilies, and bamboo. It is efficient for transporting nutrients and water throughout the leaf.

What is the scientific name for paper flower leaf?

Bougainvillea glabra

What is the color of a bougainvillea leaf?

green but turns yellow on sunny days

Leaf venation of gumamela?

leaf margin of gumamela leaf?

What is the differences between monocotyledon and dicotyledon?

Monocotyledon- 1 cotyledon, plant has straight veined leaves Dicotyledon- 2 cotyledon, plant has net-veined leaves. Cotyledon- the first leaf, or one of the first pair of leaves, produced by the seed of a flowering plant. They may serve as food stores, remaining in the seed at germination, or produce food by photosynthesis.

What is the Phyllotaxy of bougainvillea?

simple leaf !ndi Sya Compund Leaf !Co'z COMPOUND LEAF is -- Consists of several LeafLets ..and Simple Leaf -- Consists of only one piece of BLade !;))

What is the name the colorful leaf surrounding certain flowers?

It is called a Bract, and is a modified leaf. Commonly found on plants such as Bougainvillea and Euphorbia/ Poinsettia

Is a thorn a leaf modification?

Thorns are leaf modifications in opuntia (a type of cactus) and a stem modification in bougainvillea. So it depends on the type of plant.

What is the scientific name for bougainvillea?

The genus (or first part of the scientific name) for bougainvillea is actually "bougainvillea." There are several species, including Bougainvillea glabra, which if you are in the southern United States, this is most likely the horticultural species you will find.If in South America, there are species called Bougainvillea peruviana and Bougainvillea spinosa.Bougainvillea glabra