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Yes and it also makes it shinier because of all the chemicals inside of bleach and the same way bleach can whiten your clothes it can also clean the rust off of your nails and rusty of pennies.

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1mo ago

No, bleach is not effective at removing rust from pennies and nails. To remove rust from these items, you can use vinegar, lemon juice, or a commercial rust remover. These substances contain acids that can dissolve the rust without causing damage to the metal.

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Q: Does bleach get rust off of pennies and nails?
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How do you take rust off of metal?

To remove rust from metal, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper to scrub off the rust. You can also use a chemical rust remover or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda to dissolve the rust. Once the rust is removed, make sure to properly clean and dry the metal to prevent further corrosion.

Substances that remove rust from a nail?

Substances like vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda can be used to remove rust from a nail. These substances contain acids that help break down the rust, making it easier to scrub off the surface of the nail. Additionally, commercial rust removers or specialized rust-removing solutions can also effectively remove rust from nails.

Do things rust faster in cold or hot water?

Things tend to rust faster in hot water than in cold water because the increased temperature speeds up the chemical reactions that cause rusting. Rusting is a chemical process that occurs more rapidly at higher temperatures.

How long do you wait for rust to come off?

The time it takes for rust to come off can vary depending on the severity of the rust and the method being used to remove it. Light rust may come off quickly with gentle scrubbing, while heavier rust may require more time and effort using rust remover chemicals or abrasive tools. It is important to be patient and thorough to ensure the rust is fully removed.

Does a nail rust in oil?

Nails can still rust in oil because oil does not prevent the exposure of the nail to air and moisture, which are the main causes of rusting. To prevent rusting, a nail would need to be completely sealed off from air and moisture.

Related questions

Does water take rust off nails?

No. Water is actually a major cause of rust.

What removes rust the best off nails?

Removal of rust is sometimes possible by mechanical or chemical procedures.

Can bleach take rust off of jewelry?

No, bleach is not recommended for removing rust from jewelry. It can damage metals and gemstones, leading to discoloration or corrosion. It's best to use a gentle jewelry cleaner specifically designed for removing rust or tarnish.

What cleans water stains off of pennies?

A mixture of vinegar and salt can help clean water stains off pennies. Simply soak the pennies in the mixture for a few minutes, then gently rub them with a soft cloth to remove the stains. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards.

Why are roofing nails zinc coated?

Roofing nails are zinc coated to help prevent corrosion and rusting when exposed to the elements. The zinc acts as a protective barrier, increasing the longevity and durability of the nails in outdoor applications like roofing.

Do painted nails get rusty?

All nails not made of galvanized metals or aluminum rust because the wet nails become oxidized then rust forms. Painted nails cannot escape the rusting processes if the paint does not get into every nook and cranny of the nail. Some paint has so much water in its formula the paint itself will rust as the water and air combine. Here is an experiment for you. Drop a nail into a completely filled jar of water then screw down the jar lid. Take another jar and put the nail into it with only half filled and leave the lid off. Which one rusts faster? Construction crews will put caulking around exposed nails to prevent the water and air from rusting the nails.

How do you take rust off of metal?

To remove rust from metal, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper to scrub off the rust. You can also use a chemical rust remover or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda to dissolve the rust. Once the rust is removed, make sure to properly clean and dry the metal to prevent further corrosion.

Can you use bleach to clean mold off copper pipe?

No, bleach is not recommended for cleaning mold off copper pipes as it can cause discoloration and damage to the metal. Instead, use a specialized mold cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water to safely clean mold off copper pipes.

Substances that remove rust from a nail?

Substances like vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda can be used to remove rust from a nail. These substances contain acids that help break down the rust, making it easier to scrub off the surface of the nail. Additionally, commercial rust removers or specialized rust-removing solutions can also effectively remove rust from nails.

Does lime juice rust penny?

Okay so from what i have learned fot my project, No orange juice can not rust a penny it canonly turn it green. it will only turnthe penny green because, of the materialin a penny orange juice alsohas an acide in it called CuO Tha actuly diolves the rust OFF of the pennies. So NO orage juice can NOT rust apenny

How do you get rust off skin?

The best way to get rust off of your skin is just to wash it off. It should come right off with soap and water.

What makes nails rust faster?

Nails rust faster in the presence of moisture and oxygen, which facilitate the oxidation process that causes rust. Exposure to saltwater or acids can also accelerate rusting. Additionally, damage to the protective coating on the nail's surface can make it more susceptible to rust.