well, Amoebas do not have a backbone. which makes them a invertabrate.
No, Monera is a biological kingdom that consists of prokaryotic organisms, such as bacteria and archaea. These organisms do not have backbones or vertebral columns.
Single celled organisms (unicellular organisms) include all archaebacteria and bacteria and some fungi (like yeasts) and some protists (like single-celled algae and protozoa). None of these organisms have a backbone, where 'backbone' is synonymous with 'spine' or 'vertebral column'. The concept of a backbone or spine or vertebral column is delimited to the realm of vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish). No unicellular organism can possibly have a backbone.
Jawbone is to mandible, as backbone is to:spine/vertebral column
An invertebrate has no backbone. This differentiates them from vertebrates, which do have a backbone or spinal column. Invertebrates make up the vast majority of animal species on Earth.
No, lancelets do not have a backbone. They are small, fish-like marine invertebrates that belong to the subphylum Cephalochordata and possess a notochord instead of a true backbone.
No, Monera is a biological kingdom that consists of prokaryotic organisms, such as bacteria and archaea. These organisms do not have backbones or vertebral columns.
No, bacteria are not vertebrates. Bacteria are a class of micro-organism, and as such, cannot be classed as vertebrates. Vertebrates are living organisms which have a "backbone", i.e a series of vertebrae which support their body structure and allow movement. The name"vertebrates" comes from the presence of these "vertebrae".
There are three main categories of animals: vertebrates (with a backbone), invertebrates (without a backbone), and microorganisms (such as bacteria and protists). These groups encompass a wide range of species, from mammals and birds to insects and worms. Each group plays a unique role in the ecosystem.
White blood cells are the backbone of the bodies immunity. White blood cells attach to bad cells or bacteria to help fight of disease.
Yes they do!Yes, they have a backbone.
no bees are invertabrates that means they have no backbone
A pain on your backbone
No. No insect has a backbone.
No plankton do not have a backbone.
Backbone is dick.
What is the name for the pieces of the backbone The parts of the spine (backbone) are known as vertebrae.
No, by definition an invertebrate does not have a backbone. The word invertebrate means "does not have a backbone."