Not in all cases. Not all bacteria can harvest sunlight, so to these bacteria light doesn't matter and they will grow equally fast in light or dark assuming there is a equilivalent energy source. For bacteria what can use sunlight there is a definite difference in growth between light and dark cultures.
Bacteria grow faster in warmer temperatures, with optimal growth occurring around body temperature (37°C). Additionally, providing a nutrient-rich environment and proper moisture levels can also promote faster bacterial growth.
it is used in making mushroom by making a wood decay because the faster it decay the faster mushroom will grow :)))
Bacteria thrive in hot, dark, and moist environments because these conditions provide the ideal temperature and moisture levels for their growth and reproduction. The lack of light also helps protect them from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, these conditions often offer a nutrient-rich environment for bacteria to feed on and multiply.
Yes, exposure to light can accelerate the spoiling of food by promoting the growth of bacteria and oxidation of nutrients. It is recommended to store food in dark or opaque containers to help preserve its freshness.
Tomatoes rot faster when exposed to light because light promotes the growth of mold and bacteria on the surface of the tomato, accelerating the decay process. In contrast, storing tomatoes in a dark environment can help slow down the rotting process by reducing the chances of mold and bacteria growth.
Bacteria grow faster in warmer temperatures, with optimal growth occurring around body temperature (37°C). Additionally, providing a nutrient-rich environment and proper moisture levels can also promote faster bacterial growth.
Yes. They actually grow faster in the dark than in the light.
In the dark because in sunlight the moisture from the brbead would dy out
Mold grows faster in dark places because light inhibits its growth. Placing apples in a dark environment can promote faster mold growth compared to placing them in a well-lit area.
Because bacteria likes moist, damp and warm places to grow. Mold specifically requires moisture in order to grow and the swimming suit being wet and in hot environments more often, it is more likely to develop bacteria faster.
Bacteric grow faster in places where there is enough moisture, food and oxygen...our mouth!
Mold can grow better in the light because when fruits get into the dark they can spoil faster and get soft/ugly
No research is necessary. Fertilizer or no fertilizer, the plant in the light will grow faster.
No the time has nothing to do with it. but they grow best in warm, dark places.
actually a bean seed will grow faster in the dark. it grows faster because of its conditions, it has to grow higher to reach any light. Although it may grow faster it has less colour and 'attractiveness' aha. it turns into a white, pale colour, with no leaves.
a plant in the dark will grow faster but it's not going to last long because it does not have sunlight. sunlight is what make a plant grow and it would not be the same because it does not have chlorphyll so it will not be green. so we will know it going to be a different color.