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Yes, baby's breath (Gypsophila) plants produce nectar. The small, white flowers of the baby's breath plant do produce some nectar, which can attract bees and other pollinators.

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Q: Does babys breath produce nectar
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Describe three examples of how plants depend on animals for survival?

Pollination: Plants rely on animals like bees, birds, and butterflies to transfer pollen between flowers for fertilization, enabling the production of seeds and fruit. Seed dispersal: Plants depend on animals such as birds, mammals, and ants to carry and disperse their seeds to new locations, helping them colonize new areas and avoid competition. Nutrient cycling: Decomposers like insects and bacteria break down organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the soil that plants can uptake for growth and development.

Does Grain produce nectar?

No, grains do not produce nectar. Nectar is usually produced by flowering plants to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. Grains, such as wheat, rice, and barley, primarily produce starchy seeds that are used as a food source.

Where do bees get necter from?

Bees get their nectar from flowers. Flowers produce nectar to attract animals to pollinate them.

Which of these bushes and trees do not provide nectar?

Pine, fir, and spruce trees do not provide nectar. Juniper bushes also do not produce nectar.

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What is the plant that can produce honey?

Many plants produce nectar which is turned into honey by bees.

What do flowers produce?

Flowers produce pollen, nectar, and seeds. Pollen is used for fertilization, nectar attracts pollinators for reproduction, and seeds are produced for dispersal and reproduction.

What does the name Nectaria mean?

Nectaria means Nectar. Nectar is Sweet so you could say that Nectaria means Nectar which means Sweet and you could use an example like: The Nectaria means Nectar which is what bees produce, Nectar is Sweet

What does babys breath flower represent?

Baby's breath represents pureness innocence, and everlasting love. The baby's breath is used in wedding flowers along with other flowers in the bouquet.