Yes, alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) can react with copper to form aluminum oxide and copper sulfate. This reaction is often observed in processes such as etching or electroplating of copper.
Yes, crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds made of hydrogen and carbon atoms. It also contains small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and other elements. The composition of crude oil can vary depending on the location and geological formation where it is extracted.
This is the possibility to extract crude oil for long time.
Crude Oil is hydrocarbon and it is mixture of carbon and hydrogen.
There are 42 US gallons of crude oil in one barrel.
Sweet crude oil can become sour due to the presence of sulfur compounds which can develop over time or be introduced during production. These sulfur compounds can react with the oil to create hydrogen sulfide, giving the crude oil a sour smell and making it more corrosive. Sour crude oil typically has higher sulfur content than sweet crude oil.
Crude oil is crude..
What other thing you can do with crude oil.
Producers could reduce the price of oil to remove the surplus of crude oil. They could also form a cartel to adjust production to eliminate the chance of future surpluses. Thanks ChaCha!
Crude Oil is hydrocarbon and it is mixture of carbon and hydrogen.
Zero. A barrel or crude oil contains... crude oil.
the constituents of crude oil are FEUL OIL,LPG, NAPHTHA,GASOLNE ETC
crude oil is ba
Yes, alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) can react with copper to form aluminum oxide and copper sulfate. This reaction is often observed in processes such as etching or electroplating of copper.
Yes, but they make it into gasoline first. Crude oil is not the oil you put in the crankcase. That is oil that is refined from crude oil and then additives are added.
Petrol. actually its oil.
Crude oil is crude oil, there is no such thing as gas oil. Gasoline is refined from crude oil. 1 barrel of Benchmark crude oil for May delivery is currently $48.20 as of 3/31/09.