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This is the generic reaction where "M" could represent any of the alkali metals.

2M + 2H2O --> 2MOH + H2

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11y ago
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7mo ago

Yes, alkali metals such as lithium, sodium, and potassium react vigorously with water to produce hydrogen gas and an alkaline solution. The reaction becomes more vigorous as you go down the group from lithium to potassium.

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14y ago

Well, the alkali metals reacting with water, which I took at school, are these:

Lithium (Li) ---> Slow bubbling (hydrogen gas produced)

Sodium (Na) ---> Faster bubbling (hydrogen gas produced)

Potassium (K) ---> Very fast bubbling, violent (hydrogen gas ignites)

Rubidium (Rb) ---> Violent (metal ignites)

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15y ago

Lithium, being the least reactive, just fizzes as it gives off hydrogen
Sodium, also fizzes and it melts into a small ball shape
Potassium, gives off hydrogen as it burns with a lilac flame

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14y ago

The alkali metal essentially replaces one of the hydrogen atoms in a water molecule, producing hydrogen gas and the corresponding metal hydroxide.

Depending on the specific metal the reaction can range from vigorous fizzing as with lithium to a violent explosion as with cesium.

Often the heat produced by the reaction is enough to ignite the hydrogen as it is emitted.

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16y ago

Should the alkali be strong, the alkali will become weak (pH number decreases).

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16y ago

Where M denotes any group 1 metal:

2M (s) + 2H2O = 2MOH (aq) + H2 (g)

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15y ago

it simply becomes ionized into a metallic cation and hydroxyl ion.

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13y ago
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Q: Does alkali metals react with water?
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How do alkali metals react to cold water?

alkali metals react violently in cold water

Does water react with alkali metals vigorously?


Which metals does not react with water?

Most metals do not react with water, especially at room temperature. It is easier to state which metals DO react with water. Those would be Li, K, Sr, Ca and Na. Those reacting with hot water (steam) would be Mg, Al, Zn and Cu. Most other metals do NOT react with water.

What family of elements is very reactive to water?

Alkali metals and earth alkali metals do react strongly with water.(Lithium, ..., Caesium) (Beryllium, ..., Barium)

Why are group 1 metals knowns as alkali metals?

Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals because they react with water to form alkali (or bases).

What happens when metal reacts with metal?

Alkali metals reacts violently with water forming a hydroxide and hydrogen; alkali earth metals react with water but no so violent.Other metals doesn't generally react with water at room temperature.

How do alkali metals react with other alkali metals?

They don't

Explain the Reactions of alkali metals in cold water?

It will react vigourisly

When alkali earth metals react with water what do they produce?

When alkali earth metals react with water, they produce metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas. The reaction is generally violent and releases heat.

Do metals react with water?

Some, such as the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and a few others do. But most don't.

Why the elements of Group 1 are generally known as alkali metals?

Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals because they react with water to form alkali (or bases).

Do Alkali earth metals react with oxygen?

Yes, alkaline earth metals react with oxygen to form oxides. This reaction is more vigorous than with alkali metals but less than with alkali metals.