

Does algae need sleep

Updated: 10/19/2022
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11y ago

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no because algae is a type if seaweed

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Q: Does algae need sleep
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What do algae need to suvive?

algae needs moisture and oxygen to grow.

What adaptations does algae need to survive?

It doesnt need that much water, even a small plastic cup would work.

Why do organisms need plants algae and bacteria for survival?

The organisms need plants, algae and bacteria for their nourishment. This ensures their survival.

Why does the ocean need algae?

Algae feed small fish which starts the food chain.

When pool starts to turn green is it algae or moss?

algae. you need a sanitizer to keep it from growing!

What plant has no roots and does not need watering?

Air plants (Tillandsia) are plants that do not require soil and absorb nutrients and water through their leaves. They can survive by simply misting them occasionally or soaking them in water every few weeks. They can be attached to objects or hung in the air, making them a great low-maintenance plant for indoor spaces.

Why do we need to sleep?

we to sleep to get energy 

Where does algae need in order to grow?


Why do you need algae to produced guppies?

You don't.

What do plants and algae need for photosynthesis?

They need light and carbon dioxide.

Can clams eat pool algae?

Clams eat plankton, not algae. Algae grows in still water. Clams need the water to be moving so they can get nutrients.

Why do moose sleep?

Moose sleep to rest and recharge their bodies, just like humans do. It helps them conserve energy, repair their muscles, and process information. Additionally, sleeping at night helps moose avoid predators when they are most vulnerable.