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not really. it really just grows around it,and collecta all it can from the soil lol Algae growth can have significant impacts on aquatic plant growth. Algal blooms consume all nutrients and oxygen from a certain aquatic ecosystem and may even release toxins. Aquatic plants will not be able to outcompete or survive because of this.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Yes, fertilizers can enhance algae growth by providing excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, which can cause algae blooms in water bodies. This increased growth can lead to water quality issues and harm aquatic ecosystems.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes. Fertilizers increase algae growth dramatically.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Fertilliser causes Algae to grow quickly.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

fertilizer will increase the growth of agae because fertilizer helps plants grow and algae is a plant.

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: Do fertilizers affect algae growth
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What are two abiotic factors that affect water lilies?

Sunlight availability and water temperature are two abiotic factors that can directly impact the growth and development of water lilies. Insufficient sunlight can limit photosynthesis and growth, while extreme water temperatures can affect the metabolic processes of the plants.

In a pond or lake the limiting factor that may affect the growth of algae is the level of dissolved?

nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. High levels of dissolved nutrients can lead to excessive algae growth, a phenomenon known as eutrophication, which can have negative impacts on water quality and ecosystem health. Controlling nutrient inputs can help manage algae growth in aquatic systems.

Why is light important in algae?

Light is important for algae because it is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which algae convert light energy into chemical energy to produce food. Light also regulates important metabolic processes in algae, such as growth and reproduction. The intensity and quality of light can influence the growth rate and pigment composition of algae.

How do fertilizers affect water ecosystems?

Fertilizer runoffs have a huge impact on water ecosystems. The fertilizers increase the growthof algae and other aquatic weeds just as it improves plant production in normal soil. The excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants form a blanket on the water surface, preventing sunlight from entering the water and using up most of the dissolved oxygen. This suffocates and kills other forms of aquatic life.

Which drug can affect growth?

Corticosteroids can affect growth, especially in children, by inhibiting bone growth and reducing the production of growth hormone. Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to a decrease in height potential.

Related questions

What chemicals found in fertilizers can affect water quality?

nitrates. they feed algae.

How does cost of organic fertilizers available in the market affect the growth of plants?

Although organic fertilizers are costlier than chemical fertilizers, the growth of the plants with organic fertilizers is more harmonious.

How do fertilizers affect animals?

Chemical fertilizers get washed in with the natural watershed, and promote excessive algae growth in streams, ponds, and lakes. The algae consumes huge amounts of oxygen from the water and can kill fish and other aquatic life.

How does phosphours affect the bay?

It causes plant growth and algae growth

What element in fertilizers and some detergents contributes to water pollution and growth of algae and water weeds?

Phosphorus is the element in fertilizers and some detergents that contributes to water pollution and the growth of algae and water weeds. When phosphorus enters water bodies, it can lead to eutrophication, causing excessive algae growth and depleting oxygen levels, which harms aquatic ecosystems.

How does plant food affect algae?

it increases its growth

Do different substances affect algae growth?


How can fertilizers used on lawns and fields affect a lake?

When rainwater washes away excess fertilizers from lawns and fields, it can run off into nearby lakes. This can cause an overgrowth of algae and aquatic plants in the lake, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels. This can harm fish, marine life, and overall water quality.

What washes into streams that may cause plant and algae growth?

Fertilizers wash into streams that may ultimately cause plant and alge growth. This is often caused when near by farms use fertilizers on their crops to get them to grow faster.

Does the age of the gunnite pool affect algae growth?

The age of the gunite pool itself does not directly affect algae growth. Algae growth is more influenced by factors such as improper water chemistry balance, insufficient circulation or filtration, and sunlight exposure. Regular maintenance and proper water management can help prevent algae growth regardless of the pool's age.

Why do chemical fertilizers provide nutrients to algae?

Fertilizers contain high concentrations of nitrogen, a limiting nutrient for algae.

Does different substances in water affect algae growth?

Yes, different substances in water can impact algae growth. Nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen can promote algae growth, while pollutants like heavy metals and pesticides can inhibit growth or harm algae. Changes in pH levels and temperature can also influence algae growth rates.