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No, a black hole contains a lot of matter and thus has a huge gravitational pull. Absolute vacuum doesn't exist anywhere we know of.

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3mo ago

Yes, the interior of a black hole is often described as a region of spacetime with extremely high gravitational forces, leading to densities beyond what we can comprehend. Within the event horizon, the vacuum would not be a traditional "empty space" as we conceptualize it, but instead a region where conventional physics breaks down.

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Q: Does absolute vacuum exist in a black hole?
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Does absolute vacuum exist as a black hole?

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Is a black hole absolute zero?

Not necessarily.

Is there time in a black hole?

yes. but the intense gravity is so strong it seems to bend time so slowly some people believe that there is no time in a black hole I WOULD JUST LIKE TO POINT OUT that time does exist in a black hole it is just extremely slow on another note if time did not exist in a black hole then a black hole would not suck things into it. so time does exist in a black hole.

Is an Intermediate-mass black hole a type of black hole?

Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

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No, the universe is mostly a vacuum but a black hole is (theoretically) when gravity goes wild and rips a hole in space and time

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We know nothing about the conditions within a black hole, but it seems unlikely that a black hole could exist within a black hole, or even if this concept would have any meaning at all.

Is it possible for a black hole to suck up a white hole?

Since whit holes only exist mathematically, a black hole could not pull in a white hole.

What is the absolute magnitude for a black hole?

"Absolute magnitude" talks about the intensity of light radiating from a source. The black hole is black because no light radiates from it. So you'd have to say that its magnitude ... visual, absolute, intrinsic, or any other kind of magnitude ... is infinite. (Magnitude numbers are higher for dimmer sources.)

What is the width of the black hole?

Black holes, or singularties, apparently exist in different sizes.

What are the implications for your world if black hole do exist?

None at all.Black holes do exist. They have been observed.

What does a black circle do in space?

No non-fictional astronomical body know as black circle. If the question is meant to employ the term 'black hole' in space, what a black hole does is to exist.

What effect does the vacuum of space have on the universe?

It really has no effect because a vacuum people say that a vacuum is just like a black hole it is but it is basically it reflects light!